Fuse2x (spectrum Emulator)


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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I understand it's only a beta version at the moment, but has anyone managed to get anything running? Whenever I load a tape (ROM), it says it's missing the snap key, and to type '128'. This I do on the pop-up keyboard, and I get all that familiar white noise, then it says 'ERROR!! Rewind tape and try again' or something along those lines.
Any advice'd be top notch, I need to play Gauntlet II and Rolling Thunder again!

While we're on the subject, does anyone know how to move the cursor in Frodo? When playing both Gauntlet and Gauntlet II (C64 versions) I can only get up to the character selection screens...
I did manage to get skool daze loaded, although I could not remap the joystick to actually play the game. I seem to remember I first loaded the 48k rom (found in the rom directory). Then loaded the game. It works, but it's quite unstable. Press the wrong key and it's all over.
On Frodo32, you have to switch joystick ports depending on each game (1 or 2). Frodo2X is probably similar.
I understand it's only a beta version at the moment, but has anyone managed to get anything running? Whenever I load a tape (ROM), it says it's missing the snap key, and to type '128'. This I do on the pop-up keyboard, and I get all that familiar white noise, then it says 'ERROR!! Rewind tape and try again' or something along those lines.
Any advice'd be top notch, I need to play Gauntlet II and Rolling Thunder again!

While we're on the subject, does anyone know how to move the cursor in Frodo? When playing both Gauntlet and Gauntlet II (C64 versions) I can only get up to the character selection screens...
I've managed to load only .tap files. All .tzx, .z80 or .sna i have tried fail.

These are the steps i take:

Load fuse (128 mode)
Bring up virtual keyboard with L
Select F5
Disable virtual keyboard with L and navigate to select a .tap file
Accept the error that appears
Launch 128K tape loader
When the game has loaded, select Protek or cursor joystick (kempston emulation does not work)

Hope this helps

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On Frodo32, you have to switch joystick ports depending on each game (1 or 2). Frodo2X is probably similar.

Spectrum games all tended to use the same joystick port. The main reason for this was that if you loaded a game up with the joystick in the wrong port, removing the joystick would wobble the joystick interface in the back of the computer and it would crash. Very early games are the exception to the rule, as there were about half a dozen different joystick standards available and there was no guarantee which port you'd need the stick in, or even if your interface was supported. The main ones were:

- Cursor (maps to the cursor keys, which were 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the keyboard if I remember correctly);
- Sinclair 1 (Sinclair Interface 2, in the first port);
- Sinclair 2 (Sinclair Interface 2, in the second port);
- Protek (dunno anything about this);
- Kempston (there were two different, incompatible versions of this).

The built-in ports on the 128K+2/+2A/+3 may have had their own standards, too (they certainly had their own wiring scheme).

Early Speccy games have the added difficulty of weird control schemes. Before general consensus decided that the O/A/P/Q/(M|Space) configuration was the way to go, you'd get games like Manic Miner and Skool Days that attempted to use every key on the keyboard. So, A, S, D, F and G would move left, H, J, K and L would move right, etc. You're stuck, really, until you can map the joystick to your own key preference. In fact, some sort of per-game configuration would be handy, so the emulator could ship with a load of config files ready-made for the most popular games.

EDIT: Oops, misread the parent post. Ah well, this might be handy info anyway, and I can't find the delete button, so I may as well leave it up.
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All mine did was when it started to load up the game it went back to the gp2x menu.