Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
ok, i didnt want to post this on the front page coz it might be a stupid question. you all know that my smc got deleted, so i lost pinball dreams, so i then re-registered it and re-formatted my smc. now sum people say that i can still use my orginal pinball dreams if i can get a hold of it coz it was regestered in to the hardware, while sum ppl say i cant coz it is regestered to the previous owner. with statement is tru :unsure: . ive sent an e-mail to the previous owner mo my gp32_console asking for his joygp account info coz he didnt give it to me wen he soldit 2 me :angry: , and i'v also asked him for the gp32_console 's original id and password, so i can re-re-register it so i can use games he purchased of joygp. last night i sent an e-mail to bada@entware.com, but horscht said that it was his paypal account. so about 6 hours ago i posted a topic asking bada for mrudman@swiftdsl.com.au's ( previous owner of gp32_console ) account info, bada, or ne 1 else, has replied. what sould i do??????