

I dig this emu lots but it stil has the ability to wipe out my SMC.

is 20/07/03 the most recent version?

anyone heard about an update?
Not sure. I do remember that Rlyeh mentioned on the mailing list that he'd been spending time fSMS and fGB recently, though, so there's certainly some changes being made. Which implies there may be an update in the works - but what the changes are, and whether the updates will arrive any time in the even remotely near future I haven't a clue...
1 of the version of fmsx can do the same i can remember how shocked i was "_" but i think its sorted now its only happened 2 me once
I've tried to figure out whats causing it without success

Seems to be loading certain types of ROMs at certain times of day.

I'll have a go again tonight if I don't drink too much beer watching football ;)