Fs: Various Consoles


Mar 24, 2007
Hi, my brother's thinking about selling his original Xbox console along with roughly 40 games. (EDIT: It's 41, 42 including a second copy of one game)- So that he can buy an Xbox 360.

I was was wondering would anyone be interested, and how much would they be willing to pay?

We also have a ZX Spectrum +2 console, with if I remember correctly 151 tapes, with a few of them in proper boxes.

I think the games would be the main attraction as neither of the consoles are in great condition. I know the Xbox works 100 percent though, as my brother's always playing on it, but it is used condition, so I don't know how great is is cosmetically.

I'm thinking I would keep this to UK buyers, as it would be quite a big package, so expensive to post.

Also, I was thinking of not selling it my ebay. It's just that a while ago I sold a GP2X on ebay for £40 and ebay charged £5 for the sale. So maybe just a sale with Paypal would be best. I can give feedback for ebay and forums if needed.

Thoughts, offers?


EDIT: Oh, and a PSP2003, and a few games and memory cards Cards:

'All the goals- FIFA world cup Germany 2006' UMD

'Another Classic 250 Goals from the F.A. Premier League'

'Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend'

2 X ' SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo- 1GB (MagicGate)'

And black foam type material black case.

All in used condition.

Ah, I've just found some information about the Spectrum console, from a forum I posted to about it ages ago:

Hi, I've just bought a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K +2 from a car boot sale. The seller said it came with 200 games, but I've counted 151 tapes in total(but alot of the tapes have several games on them, so maybe it totals 200), alot of them are home made ones, alot originals without cases, many with cases with covers inside, and I think around 10 in boxes. I have the console, these games, and the original power supply and ariel cable for the console, a light gun, the user manual, but no box for the console.
I've just tested it and everything works fine. I've tested a few of the games, but off course not all of them.

And photos:

EDIT: Hopefully this'll work: http://www.humyo.com/9673763/Spectrum/?a=x_3HZuaffVI

Maybe I can take some photos of the Xbox games as well later if anyone wants them.

Link is broken for me. I used to own a PSP and it's a shame I sold it, so the PSP interests me. However, I need to know what the condition is (any screen scratches/dead pixels most importantly), whether it comes boxed with all accessories, and also what kind of price you're looking for. I end up sounding cheeky if I state a price myself. :D
Ok, the link was working just yesterday, but it seems humyo have changed how their site works, so I'll try and put up a working link soon. That's just pictures of the Spectrum by the way.

The PSP:

It's white.

Firmware version 3.72

There's quite a few small scuffs and scratches on the screen, but nothing big. I'll see if I can give it a proper clean later to see what marks are actual scuffs.- Looks near perfect with the screen on though. Funnily enough I've just found an unused screen protector in the box.
It's fairly scuffed and scratched on the back as well, particularly on the metal silver ring.
It's my brothers, so I've only used it a couple of times, so I'm not sure what it's supposed to be like, but the buttons feel quite tactile. (I know on some consoles the buttons can get very soft.)

There's the box, but with no further accessories in it. The box itself is very slightly ripped and bent, but definitely whole.

Also there's the charger.

There's nothing else I can think of. Remember there's also the two football UMDs (videos, not games), the Tomb Raider game, two 1GB memory cards, and the foam case, which is quite scuffed.

I'll see if I can take some photos later today or tomorrow.

Make an offer...
I haven't made a full decision yet but I have seen one on feebay for at the £50 mark with similar cosmetic marks. The sport UMDs don't interest me much but Tomb Raider does. As things stand should I buy it I'd be paying something similar to that amount but I'd like to see photos. Maybe that will change my offer. Thanks.
I will take photos hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

My brother was saying to me he thought he'd get about £60 for it, but I told him that's unlikely. I don't know how low he'll let it go for, but I'll speak to him about it- He's asleep now though.
You should shop the Spectrum stuff around on EBay and some of the various Speccie boards .. a lot of people will consider those home-made tapes somewhat treasure, and since that scene is all about keeping the machines alive, it'd be better if you sell the machines to someone who will use it to keep it alive.
torpor said:
You should shop the Spectrum stuff around on EBay and some of the various Speccie boards .. a lot of people will consider those home-made tapes somewhat treasure, and since that scene is all about keeping the machines alive, it'd be better if you sell the machines to someone who will use it to keep it alive.

Thanks for the advice torpor.
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Pictures of PSP, games, and Xbox games: It turns out we also have the racing game 'Juiced' for PSP, but without the box. So this will also be included in the sale.

I hadn't used a digital camera in a very long time, and I borrowed my dads, which I haven't used before, so I kind of when a bit crazy and took quite a lot of pictures..

Also, I was trying to put the PSP at an angle where you could see there are a few scuffs and scratches on the screen. Nothing is at all visible when the screen is on by the way. I hope I've shown this in the photos. But I don't know as my computer screen is really dim, so I cant see the photos properly..


Hmm, PSP screen isn't great but not bad either. I've spent a lot lately though, so for the time being I'm going to pass. I will watch this thread though. Thanks for the update.