Free market, Ceo's suck, etc ......... Split from "A successor already"

But this can only work if employer and employee are on the same level, but in the current situation most employees are having a disadvantage as their competition is much bigger, so they are more prone to accept working conditions they are not realy satisfied with.
Or which they do not even survive. Foxconn is just one of many examples, I heard, that it's worse in Africa.

Our country is developing in this direction for quite some time, because unlike other european countries we do not have minimum wages.

I see the results on a regular basis.
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Maybe after enough worldwide bank-fails we will finally have established enough governing on them to have a chance of healthy economy.
There's never been as much regulations on banks as now and they have never done as bad, economically, as now. Correlation ? 

Try setting up a bank by yourself now, and I'll watch you drown in paperwork :)

Good luck with the myth that we live in a far-west where banks do what they want. Stop reading tabloids. 
The banks in Norway are much more heavily regulated, which is why they are "fine" atleast to themselves, and having little corruptive practice compared to america. They Norwegian banks werent so OK in the early 90s, and todays rules are a result of that.

I cant follow the reasoning of your argument. Please specify.
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Come back with practical examples.
In Germany, Czech and other countries waiters are paid a wage. It is included in the prices or an extra post on the bill (like "service = 10%"). So the waiters can have a planned life with a secure income. And don't need charity of the customers of a shop, which is may be paid or may be not.
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ekianjo: Almost all of your arguments would work if there was a basic income, but they don't work when the situation is too asymmetric. And right now the situation is extremely asymmetric in favour of big companies/employers.