Foreign Underground Scenes?

I know there are homebrews released in Korean GP sites and stuff because there will occasionally be a Korean-speaking person making a topic in broken English telling us to try his game.. and I'm sure there are a lot that don't bother to mention them here.
Qingdan posted on Apr 25 2005 at 07:44 PM said:
Joking about the German scene ... :)
Seems pretty similar to Japanese scene :)

But there are some German Devvers ...

So that means there is no japanese scene :D

And yeah, I think there are some german devvers... but who are they?
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Quiest posted on Apr 25 2005 at 09:20 PM said:
[And yeah, I think there are some german devvers... but who are they?

Me, Synkro, CHN (retired?), diab0l, the tobi drummer tobi, abitos, oxygene (who improved snaff's gplink), tuskenraider and probably a couple more.

EDIT: how could i forget Mr. Mirko? ;)
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I can't believe that no-one's mentioned the jap snes emu, it's by no means perfect (but very good for mode 7 games) and quite hard to figure out at first as you know (being in japanese!). Not bad and a high compatibilty rate though, although you're better off putting it on FS1 rather than the auto setting.

sorry that didn't link, here you go
correct me if I'm wrong but even if there were a chinese scene, isn't their internet access curtailed to government approved sites? So news would never reach us :(


Never heard of it, and I've been around a good few years!
there has been post's like this one in the past, and as far as im aware, there are no other major players in the gp32 scene bar the ones we already know and love
jcabrer posted on Apr 25 2005 at 01:32 PM said:
I guess "Foreign" is the wrong word to use since the GP32 originates in Korea:)

What I'm wondering is if there is a parallel Scene in Asia for the GP32. I know I've come across a few programs here and there (GPnese, Morning Coffee, Tarot Card Game).

Heh, I realize that the conversation has sort of drifted another way. But just FYI, GPnese was made in the USA. :)
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Shrapnel posted on Apr 26 2005 at 02:26 AM said:
showed gp32 to my frnds n they thot is a kind of nintendo game n watch wif freakin big screen... :P
I get that all the damm time at school.

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Hi guys,

Our 'scenes' being identical is not always correct. For finishes apps and games it seems to be about right, but for things like source code, libraries and other useful tools, there is a lot that passes us both by. I am mostly talking about gp32spain - which as far as I can tell is the other big web hub out there for gp32.

Often someone will post some code here, and a spanish user will say - "We already have something like that on gp32spain" :)
Hehe, is I can speak for the czech GP32 scene, there is none as the number of the GP32 owners here could be counted on both hands (and maybe even one hand would do) :D

And for me it has been a long time since I coded anything, the school+work combo is like a fatality <_<

No idea if there is any other czech GP32 developper besides me...if there is, PM me please.
Last I heard, the NewZealand GP32 community was me and Rob Brown. Oh no - there is also fabreNZ. There was also cat mince but I saw his GP32 up for sale on trademe. So there are 3 :) Thats almost exactly 1/1,000,000 the population :P haha
ste_167 posted on Apr 26 2005 at 01:07 AM said:
I can't believe that no-one's mentioned the jap snes emu, it's by no means perfect (but very good for mode 7 games) and quite hard to figure out at first as you know (being in japanese!). Not bad and a high compatibilty rate though, although you're better off putting it on FS1 rather than the auto setting.

sorry that didn't link, here you go

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Wah, still can't find it...
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