fNES and fGen today???

Sep 7, 2003
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From this morning the results are all in and so the results (and emus) will be released as soon as possible. I hope that means today cos i'm bored and that competition was supposed to finish ages ago. But if not, i suppose i can wait.
Think he is...

anyway, Whats the point in another NES Emulator when the "Little John GP 0.4" NES Emulator runs games perfectly??
It would be horrible to have a bunch of new emus and things to play with. (oh no, another nes emulator).

Wow, people not happy about a huge release of competent and good emus. Wow.

I seriously can't wait, more programs and games is always good! Hopefully this surge of progress and programs keeps flowing.

Also, I cant wait till someone ports or writes a serious racing game, with a style like need for speed, screamer, or something like that. My 486 ran a few 3d racers back in the day, and my gp32 is several fold stronger than it. I can dream, right?

Keep up the great work!!!
Yeah, it sucks waiting, especially since the contest was first originall delayed because a lack of entries, then it took a long time to get the votes in, and now we have to wait a little longer for the emus, but at least we're getting something :) I can't wait to try out fGEN