Flattr For The App Store?


Mar 13, 2010
Wouldn´t it be a good idea to include Flattr in the Pandora App Store or the File Archiv?

Flattr was started by one of the Piratebay founders and it is currently in a closed beta. It is a micropayments system which enables the user to donate a small amount of money when clicking the Flattr button.

cake analogy made me want cake :( i have no cake

stupid presentation that told me nothing really. that that PR crap
also most of the people here would prefer totally free
Looks like a really nice venture, even if it is a bit too web2.0-ish for my tastes. But why do you think that it needs an app? It looks like it is just a button that is placed on webpages and I would think that it would usable within Aurora and Firefox (and all of the other browsers too, of course).
fearofshorts said:
But why do you think that it needs an app? It looks like it is just a button that is placed on webpages and I would think that it would usable within Aurora and Firefox (and all of the other browsers too, of course).
You´ve got me wrong. My suggestion ist to integrate the Flattr Button in the App Store. Then everybody can make a donation for the apps one likes by simply clicking the flattr button.
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"include" and "integrate" give very different impressions in this context. Is it really worth integrating a payment system though? That would mean that whoever was running the app repo would (at least in some people's eyes) be responsible for ensuring that people didn't get ripped. I kinda think it's better to have developers nominate a donation system if they wish to (paypal, Flattr, mail them your credit card ect) and have them handle it themselves.
Edit: multi-ninja'd!

fearofshorts said:
Looks like a really nice venture, even if it is a bit too web2.0-ish for my tastes. But why do you think that it needs an app? It looks like it is just a button that is placed on webpages and I would think that it would usable within Aurora and Firefox (and all of the other browsers too, of course).
I believe the intent was to have a 'Flattr' button as part of the store itself. So that if there's a handful of free games which you really like, you can flattr those ones. Being able to do so would be a lot easier than manually giving a few ${currency_unit} to each game developer individually (if they even have a 'donate' link).
It's kinda like the Pandora Developer Fund, but the donator gets to choose which projects will get their share of the pot, rather than some nebulous grey council deciding who gets to pocket the cash.
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Trevsweb said:
stupid presentation that told me nothing really. that that PR crap
also most of the people here would prefer totally free
Strange, beause I understood the presentation all the way through. You basically pay a monthly fee, and throughout your month you click on Flattr buttons around on things you like. At the end of the month, your monthly fee is given out to people you've "flattred" (lolwut?).
Perhaps not as the main system for people that want paid content, I'd be willing to flatter out some clicks here and there if this is added in some of the appstore pages. It's just a small button that helps those who want it, and doesn't hurt those who don't want it.

So my point: I like the idea, and it can just be an alternative to those who wish to use it in their appstore page.
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Didn't Craig say he intends to have a donation system built into the app store already? How would this be any different from a built in pay and donate platform?
I think it would be a great idea to have this integrated into the store (if flattr takes off... eh, has it?) It could be a feature when you upload, like, "enter your flattr account here" or something. Makes it easier for everyone, donor and developer.

craigix said:
Me and Trev will be getting back to the appstore this week and launching v1.0, I hope, by friday.
Great news Craig!

Hopefully this means you will be busy next week assembling Pandora's? :P

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I like the idea of Flattr, maybe because I'm Swedish :lol:

I actually had a similar idea for the appstore. What if every time you buy something a small amount of the price is added to a tip pot, say 5%. Whenever you find something you like you can tip it, taking a set small sum (€0.1 perhaps?) from your pot and giving it to the author. Because a small sum of what you buy ends up into this pot you will be encouraged to use it, that money is useless to you anyway. You can only tip something once so you can't spend it all in one place. Of course, you should be able to put money directly into your pot if you want. I think this could be quite fun and enhance the community feel and make sure that even small developers could get a bit of encouragement.

I don't remember why I didn't post that earlier :)
HOW do you make payments, in the app store and for when it comes to giving donations to devs, be it via this Flattr or some other means...


i hope so, paypal makes my life so much easier