Flash Player Possible?


Still Fresh
Dec 29, 2005
Planet Earth
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Like the title says, is a flash/shockwave player possible as many people (like me) have an enormous amount of free material in .SWF format.

Everything from funny stuff (Happy Tree Friends) to games etc.
As these are free programs anyway, why don't u contact the makers & ask them?
They won't port to the system if they don't even know it exists ;)

These would both be a good addition to the GP2X but these programs get updated so much that compatabilty would be hard to keep up with.

They can only say no if they're not interested :)

On a side note.. take a look at the plugins for the Firefox browser. Maybe they can be used.
This has been discussed many many times. Next time use the search feature before asking a question.

The flash player is closed source and macromedia are hardly enthusiastic about porting to macos or linux, let alone some random console with a fan base of only a few thousand.

There are open source alternatives, the main being gplflash but its not currently in line with the new features of v7 or v8
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Dec 30 2005 at 10:55 AM said:
On a side note.. take a look at the plugins for the Firefox browser. Maybe they can be used.

They're still x86 binaries; the JavaScript glue to fit it into the browser is insignificant. Otherwise, there'd be a PPC Linux version of the plugin.
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ravuya posted on Dec 31 2005 at 02:57 AM said:
Tripmonkey_uk posted on Dec 30 2005 at 10:55 AM said:
On a side note.. take a look at the plugins for the Firefox browser. Maybe they can be used.

They're still x86 binaries; the JavaScript glue to fit it into the browser is insignificant. Otherwise, there'd be a PPC Linux version of the plugin.

Ok, good point.
This looks promising Here!
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chris_r posted on Dec 30 2005 at 07:19 PM said:
This has been discussed many many times. Next time use the search feature before asking a question.

Honestly, do you hit search EVERY single time you make a post? That is retarded man. It gets really annoying when people troll on others because they are a newbie or made double posts. I think the proper thing would have been to just post a link to the previous post and then that's it, issue is resolved and you didn't have to be a jerk about it. The whole point of the gp2x is the community, if people come in looking for friendly advice and instead get insults and RTFM then how can you expect the community to go anywhere? nuff said.
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It gets even more annoying seeing the same fucking threads pop up all the time with the same answers. So yes, they should always use the search function before they start a thread asking a question about something. If people can't RTFM then they're going to be in some dire fucking straits with a machine like the GP2X. nuff said.