Fixing Bad Firmwares.

Sep 7, 2003
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This is a follow up thread to THIS ONE.

I have since spoken to Mr Spiv about this and he says he has seen it before. Apparently, the FW is distorted for some reason, and to fix it I would need to do the same process as when fixing after a bad flash.

So, does anybody know how I go about fixing it. A brief description of what need (JTAG cable I think) or any links would be very useful and appreciated. Also, I know that Spiv has stopped fixing them, but does anybody know of anyone who will still.


an unhappy Gp32 owner. :-(
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You are going to have to make one yourself, the specs are on his deadsocierty's site. I was going to have a shot at it after I finish uni...
I don't think it's a bios problem... from your description it very much sounded like a hardware problem, and probably a power supply problem at that. Generally the thing will crash because of low voltage rails, which obviously happens with flat batteries but in the other thread you pretty much ruled that out.

I didn't respond to the other thread because I didn't have anything positive to say... sorry about that :(
Robster posted on Apr 9 2004 at 11:58 PM said:
I didn't respond to the other thread because I didn't have anything positive to say... sorry about that :(
yeah, I've pretty much come to the conclusion/reality that its broken.

Can't really afford a new one at the moment, so I'm just lookin for "possible" fixes.

Thanks for you help though.
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Sorry to hear your problems declaration, I just about scrapped my gp32 a day or two ago also. I used the firmware flasher to flash a copy of the new beta bios that I personally ripped and was using in geepee32 and it wouldn't use the usb at all I could run stuff but not communicate with anything! I restarted thinking it was my computer, but no.... I eventually used my sisters computer (which has a smc reader/writer) to add the old 1.5.7e bios to the smc and reflashed, luckily it worked! I'm sorry if that was totally irrelevant but the point was I hope you run across an easy way to fix yours.

Jtag would probably be the best option.
Robster posted on Apr 9 2004 at 11:58 PM said:
I don't think it's a bios problem... from your description it very much sounded like a hardware problem, and probably a power supply problem at that. Generally the thing will crash because of low voltage rails, which obviously happens with flat batteries but in the other thread you pretty much ruled that out.

I didn't respond to the other thread because I didn't have anything positive to say... sorry about that :(
Rob.. might sound like arguing but while I was doing that flash stuff I got several "dead" GP32s with a following problem description: "I was playing with this for several months and one day it just didn't boot up properly anymore"... If those guys didn't lie (which is always possible) to me their problem was pretty much equal to Declaration's case.. But again, for me it's easier to believe poltergeists and stuff than a hardware problem when it comes to computers/electronics.. <_<
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yup, you need the jtag cable...but, to use it you have to either have the proper ext port connector, or solder to the right spots on the gp32's mainboard...check darkfaders site for those places, then adapt the schematics to those spots...i might try this...just for the hell of it...