This is the most recent I have. I haven't used it on the GP2X yet, but the ARM ASM parts should work anyway. If yo know how to use functions this is pretty easy to use...
* $Id: math-sll.c,v 1.15 2002/08/20 18:01:54 andrewm Exp $
* Changed by CHUI
* Purpose
* A fixed point (31.32 bit) math library.
* Description
* Floating point packs the most accuracy in the available bits, but it
* often provides more accuracy than is required. It is time consuming to
* carry the extra precision around, particularly on platforms that don't
* have a dedicated floating point processor.
* This library is a compromise. All math is done using the 64 bit signed
* "long long" format (sll), and is not intended to be portable, just as
* fast as possible. Since "long long" is a elementary type, it can be
* passed around without resorting to the use of pointers. Since the
* format used is fixed point, there is never a need to do time consuming
* checks and adjustments to maintain normalized numbers, as is the case
* in floating point.
* Simply put, this library is limited to handling numbers with a whole
* part of up to 2^31 - 1 = 2.147483647e9 in magnitude, and fractional
* parts down to 2^-32 = 2.3283064365e-10 in magnitude. This yields a
* decent range and accuracy for many applications.
* No checking for arguments out of range (error).
* No checking for divide by zero (error).
* No checking for overflow (error).
* No checking for underflow (warning).
* Chops, doesn't round.
* Functions
* sll dbl2sll(double x) double -> sll
* double slldbl(sll x) sll -> double
* sll slladd(sll x, sll y) x + y
* sll sllsub(sll x, sll y) x - y
* sll sllmul(sll x, sll y) x * y
* sll slldiv(sll x, sll y) x / y
* sll sllinv(sll v) 1 / x
* sll sllmul2(sll x) x * 2
* sll sllmul4(sll x) x * 4
* sll sllmul2n(sll x, int n) x * 2^n, 0 <= n <= 31
* sll slldiv2(sll x) x / 2
* sll slldiv4(sll x) x / 4
* sll slldiv2n(sll x, int n) x / 2^n, 0 <= n <= 31
* sll sllcos(sll x) cos x
* sll sllsin(sll x) sin x
* sll slltan(sll x) tan x
* sll sllatan(sll x) atan x
* sll sllexp(sll x) e^x
* sll slllog(sll x) ln x
* sll sllpow(sll x, sll y) x^y
* sll sllsqrt(sll x) x^(1 / 2)
#ifndef MATHSLL_H
#define MATHSLL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <math.h>
typedef float sll;
typedef float ull;
typedef double sll;
typedef double ull;
#define int2sll(X) ((sll) (X))
#define sllvalue(X) (X)
#define sll2int(X) ((int) (X))
#define sll_abs(X) ((sll)fabs((double)X))
#define sllabs(X) ((sll)fabs((double)X))
#define sllint(X) ((sll)floor((double)X))
#define sllfrac(X) ((X) - ((sll)sll2int(X)))
#define sllneg(X) (-(X))
#define slladd(X,Y) ((X) + (Y))
#define sllsub(X,Y) ((X) - (Y))
#define sllmul(X,Y) ((X) * (Y))
#define slldiv(X,Y) ((X) / (Y))
#define sll2dbl(X) ((double)(X))
#define dbl2sll(X) ((sll)(X))
#define sllinv(X) (((sll)1.0) / (X))
#define sllmul2(X) (((sll)2.0) * (X))
#define sllmul4(X) (((sll)4.0) * (X))
#define sllmul2n(X,N) (((sll)(1<<N)) * (X))
#define slldiv2(X) ((X) / ((sll)2.0))
#define slldiv4(X) ((X) / ((sll)4.0))
#define slldiv2n(X,N) ((X) / ((sll)(1<<N)))
#define sllcos(X) ((sll)cos((double)(X)))
#define sllsin(X) ((sll)sin((double)(X)))
#define slltan(X) ((sll)tan((double)(X)))
#define sllatan(X) ((sll)atan((double)(X)))
#define sllexp(X) ((sll)exp((double)(X)))
#define slllog(X) ((sll)log((double)(X)))
#define sllpow(X) ((sll)pow((double)(X)))
#define sllsqrt(X) ((sll)sqrt((double)(X)))
#define sllrotr(X,N) ((X) / ((sll)(1<<N)))
#define sllrotl(X,N) ((X) * ((sll)(1<<N)))
#define SLL_CONST_0 ((sll)0.0)
#define SLL_CONST_1 ((sll)1.0)
#define SLL_CONST_2 ((sll)2.0)
#define SLL_CONST_3 ((sll)3.0)
#define SLL_CONST_4 ((sll)4.0)
#define SLL_CONST_10 ((sll)10.0)
#define SLL_CONST_15 ((sll)15.0)
#define SLL_CONST_1_2 ((sll)0.5)
#define SLL_CONST_1_3 ((sll)0.33333333333333333333333333333333)
#define SLL_CONST_1_4 ((sll)0.25)
#define SLL_CONST_1_5 ((sll)0.2)
#define SLL_CONST_1_6 ((sll)0.16666666666666666666666666666667)
#define SLL_CONST_1_7 ((sll)0.14285714285714285714285714285714)
#define SLL_CONST_1_8 ((sll)0.125)
#define SLL_CONST_1_9 ((sll)0.11111111111111111111111111111111)
#define SLL_CONST_1_10 ((sll)0.10)
#define SLL_CONST_1_11 ((sll)0.090909090909090909090909090909091)
#define SLL_CONST_1_12 ((sll)0.083333333333333333333333333333333)
#define SLL_CONST_1_20 ((sll)0.05)
#define SLL_CONST_1_30 ((sll)0.033333333333333333333333333333333)
#define SLL_CONST_1_42 ((sll)0.023809523809523809523809523809524)
#define SLL_CONST_1_56 ((sll)0.017857142857142857142857142857143)
#define SLL_CONST_1_72 ((sll)0.013888888888888888888888888888889)
#define SLL_CONST_1_90 ((sll)0.011111111111111111111111111111111)
#define SLL_CONST_1_110 ((sll)0.0090909090909090909090909090909091)
#define SLL_CONST_1_132 ((sll)0.0075757575757575757575757575757576)
#define SLL_CONST_1_156 ((sll)0.0064102564102564102564102564102564)
#define SLL_CONST_E ((sll)2.7182818284590452354)
#define SLL_CONST_1_E ((sll)0.36787944117144232159014926384893)
#define SLL_CONST_1_SQRTE ((sll)0.13533528323661269189004515421424)
#define SLL_CONST_LOG10_E ((sll)0.43429448190325182765747371064254)
#define SLL_CONST_PI ((sll)3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
#define SLL_CONST_2PI ((sll)6.283185307179586476925286766559)
#define SLL_CONST_4PI ((sll)12.566370614359172953850573533118)
#define SLL_CONST_PI_2 ((sll)1.5707963267948966192313216916398)
#define SLL_CONST_PI_4 ((sll)0.78539816339744830961566084581988)
#define SLL_CONST_PI_8 ((sll)0.3926990816987242)
#define SLL_CONST_PI_12 ((sll)0.26179938779914943653855361527329)
#define SLL_CONST_1_PI ((sll)0.31830988618379067153776752674503)
#define SLL_CONST_2_PI ((sll)3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
#define SLL_CONST_ATAN_1 ((sll)0.785398)
/* Data types */
typedef signed long long sll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
/* Macros */
#define int2sll(X) (((sll) (X)) << 32)
// #define sllvalue(X) (sll2dbl(X))
#define sllvalue(X) (X)
#define sll2int(X) ((int) ((X) >> 32))
#define sll_abs(X) ((X) & 0xefffffffffffffffLL)
#define sllabs(A) (((A)<SLL_CONST_0)? -(A)

#define sllint(X) ((X) & 0xffffffff00000000LL)
#define sllfrac(X) ((X) & 0x00000000ffffffffLL)
#define sllneg(X) (-(X))
#define _slladd(X,Y) ((X) + (Y))
#define _sllsub(X,Y) ((X) - (Y))
#define sllrotl(X,N) ((X)<<N)
#define sllrotr(X,N) ((X)>>N)
/* Constants (converted from double) */
#define SLL_CONST_0 0x0000000000000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_1 0x0000000100000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_2 0x0000000200000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_3 0x0000000300000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_4 0x0000000400000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_10 0x0000000a00000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_15 0x0000000f00000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_2 0x0000000080000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_3 0x0000000055555555LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_4 0x0000000040000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_5 0x0000000033333333LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_6 0x000000002aaaaaaaLL
#define SLL_CONST_1_7 0x0000000024924924LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_8 0x0000000020000000LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_9 0x000000001c71c71cLL
#define SLL_CONST_1_10 0x0000000019999999LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_11 0x000000001745d174LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_12 0x0000000015555555LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_20 0x000000000cccccccLL
#define SLL_CONST_1_30 0x0000000008888888LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_42 0x0000000006186186LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_56 0x0000000004924924LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_72 0x00000000038e38e3LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_90 0x0000000002d82d82LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_110 0x000000000253c825LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_132 0x0000000001f07c1fLL
#define SLL_CONST_1_156 0x0000000001a41a41LL
#define SLL_CONST_E 0x00000002b7e15162LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_E 0x000000005e2d58d8LL
#define SLL_CONST_SQRTE 0x00000001a61298e1LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_SQRTE 0x000000009b4597e3LL
#define SLL_CONST_LOG2_E 0x0000000171547652LL
#define SLL_CONST_LOG10_E 0x000000006f2dec54LL
#define SLL_CONST_LN2 0x00000000b17217f7LL
#define SLL_CONST_LN10 0x000000024d763776LL
#define SLL_CONST_PI 0x00000003243f6a88LL
#define SLL_CONST_2PI 0x00000006487ED510LL
#define SLL_CONST_4PI 0x0000000C90FDAA22LL
#define SLL_CONST_PI_2 0x00000001921fb544LL
#define SLL_CONST_PI_4 0x00000000c90fdaa2LL
#define SLL_CONST_PI_8 0x000000006487ED51LL
#define SLL_CONST_PI_12 0x00000000430548E0LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_PI 0x00000000517cc1b7LL
#define SLL_CONST_2_PI 0x00000000a2f9836eLL
#define SLL_CONST_2_SQRTPI 0x0000000120dd7504LL
#define SLL_CONST_SQRT2 0x000000016a09e667LL
#define SLL_CONST_1_SQRT2 0x00000000b504f333LL
#define SLL_CONST_ATAN_1 0x00000000C90FD7E4LL
static __inline__ double sll2dbl(sll s)
union {
double d;
unsigned u[2];
ull _ull;
sll _sll;
} in, retval;
register unsigned exp;
register unsigned flag;
if (s == 0)
return 0.0;
/* Move into memory as args might be passed in regs */
in._sll = s;
/* Handle the negative flag */
if (in._sll < 1) {
flag = 0x80000000;
in._ull = sllneg(in._sll);
} else
flag = 0x00000000;
/* Normalize */
for (exp = 1053; in._ull && (in.u[1] & 0x80000000) == 0; exp--) {
in._ull <<= 1;
in._ull <<= 1;
in._ull >>= 12;
retval._ull = in._ull;
retval.u[1] |= flag | (exp << 20);
#if defined(__arm__)
/* ARM architecture has a big-endian double */
exp = retval.u[0];
retval.u[0] = retval.u[1];
retval.u[1] = exp;
#endif /* defined(__arm__) */
return retval.d;
static __inline__ sll slladd(sll x, sll y)
return (x + y);
static __inline__ sll sllsub(sll x, sll y)
return (x - y);
* Let a = A * 2^32 + a_hi * 2^0 + a_lo * 2^(-32)
* Let b = B * 2^32 + b_hi * 2^0 + b_lo * 2^(-32)
* Where:
* *_hi is the integer part
* *_lo the fractional part
* A and B are the sign (0 for positive, -1 for negative).
* a * b = (A * 2^32 + a_hi * 2^0 + a_lo * 2^-32)
* * (B * 2^32 + b_hi * 2^0 + b_lo * 2^-32)
* Expanding the terms, we get:
* = A * B * 2^64 + A * b_h * 2^32 + A * b_l * 2^0
* + a_h * B * 2^32 + a_h * b_h * 2^0 + a_h * b_l * 2^-32
* + a_l * B * 2^0 + a_l * b_h * 2^-32 + a_l * b_l * 2^-64
* Grouping by powers of 2, we get:
* = A * B * 2^64
* Meaningless overflow from sign extension - ignore
* + (A * b_h + a_h * B) * 2^32
* Overflow which we can't handle - ignore
* + (A * b_l + a_h * b_h + a_l * B) * 2^0
* We only need the low 32 bits of this term, as the rest is overflow
* + (a_h * b_l + a_l * b_h) * 2^-32
* We need all 64 bits of this term
* + a_l * b_l * 2^-64
* We only need the high 32 bits of this term, as the rest is underflow
* Note that:
* a > 0 && b > 0: A = 0, B = 0 and the third term is a_h * b_h
* a < 0 && b > 0: A = -1, B = 0 and the third term is a_h * b_h - b_l
* a > 0 && b < 0: A = 0, B = -1 and the third term is a_h * b_h - a_l
* a < 0 && b < 0: A = -1, B = -1 and the third term is a_h * b_h - a_l - b_l
#if defined(__arm__)
static __inline__ sll sllmul(sll left, sll right)
* From gcc/config/arm/arm.h:
* In a pair of registers containing a DI or DF value the 'Q'
* operand returns the register number of the register containing
* the least significant part of the value. The 'R' operand returns
* the register number of the register containing the most
* significant part of the value.
sll retval;
__asm__ (
"@ sllmul\n\t"
"umull %R0, %Q0, %Q1, %Q2\n\t"
"mul %R0, %R1, %R2\n\t"
"umlal %Q0, %R0, %Q1, %R2\n\t"
"umlal %Q0, %R0, %Q2, %R1\n\t"
"tst %R1, #0x80000000\n\t"
"subne %R0, %R0, %Q2\n\t"
"tst %R2, #0x80000000\n\t"
"subne %R0, %R0, %Q1\n\t"
: "=&r" (retval)
: "%r" (left), "r" (right)
: "cc"
return retval;
#elif defined(__i386__)
static __inline__ sll sllmul(sll left, sll right)
register sll retval;
"# sllmul\n\t"
" movl %1, %%eax\n\t"
" mull %3\n\t"
" movl %%edx, %%ebx\n\t"
" movl %2, %%eax\n\t"
" mull %4\n\t"
" movl %%eax, %%ecx\n\t"
" movl %1, %%eax\n\t"
" mull %4\n\t"
" addl %%eax, %%ebx\n\t"
" adcl %%edx, %%ecx\n\t"
" movl %2, %%eax\n\t"
" mull %3\n\t"
" addl %%ebx, %%eax\n\t"
" adcl %%ecx, %%edx\n\t"
" btl $31, %2\n\t"
" jnc 1f\n\t"
" subl %3, %%edx\n\t"
"1: btl $31, %4\n\t"
" jnc 1f\n\t"
" subl %1, %%edx\n\t"
: "=&A" (retval)
: "m" (left), "m" (((unsigned *) &left)[1]),
"m" (right), "m" (((unsigned *) &right)[1])
: "ebx", "ecx", "cc"
return retval;
/* Plain C version: not optimal but portable. */
#warning Fixed Point no optimal
static __inline__ sll sllmul(sll a, sll b)
unsigned int a_lo, b_lo;
signed int a_hi, b_hi;
sll x;
a_lo = a;
a_hi = (ull) a >> 32;
b_lo = b;
b_hi = (ull) b >> 32;
x = ((ull) (a_hi * b_hi) << 32)
+ (((ull) a_lo * b_lo) >> 32)
+ (sll) a_lo * b_hi
+ (sll) b_lo * a_hi;
return x;
static __inline__ sll sllinv(sll v)
int sgn = 0;
sll u;
ull s = -1; //0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; //-1;
/* Use positive numbers, or the approximation won't work */
if (v < SLL_CONST_0) {
v = sllneg(v);
sgn = 1;
/* An approximation - must be larger than the actual value */
for (u = v; u; ((ull)u) >>= 1)
s >>= 1;
/* Newton's Method */
u = sllmul(s, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, s)));
u = sllmul(u, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, u)));
u = sllmul(u, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, u)));
u = sllmul(u, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, u)));
u = sllmul(u, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, u)));
u = sllmul(u, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_2, sllmul(v, u)));
return ((sgn) ? sllneg(u): u);
static __inline__ sll slldiv(sll left, sll right)
return sllmul(left, sllinv(right));
static __inline__ sll sllmul2(sll x)
return x << 1;
static __inline__ sll sllmul4(sll x)
return x << 2;
static __inline__ sll sllmul2n(sll x, int n)
sll y;
#if defined(__arm__)
* On ARM we need to do explicit assembly since the compiler
* doesn't know the range of n is limited and decides to call
* a library function instead.
__asm__ (
"@ sllmul2n\n\t"
"mov %R0, %R1, lsl %2\n\t"
"orr %R0, %R0, %Q1, lsr %3\n\t"
"mov %Q0, %Q1, lsl %2\n\t"
: "=r" (y)
: "r" (x), "rM" (n), "rM" (32 - n)
y = x << n;
return y;
static __inline__ sll slldiv2(sll x)
return x >> 1;
static __inline__ sll slldiv4(sll x)
return x >> 2;
static __inline__ sll slldiv2n(sll x, int n)
sll y;
#if defined(__arm__)
* On ARM we need to do explicit assembly since the compiler
* doesn't know the range of n is limited and decides to call
* a library function instead.
__asm__ (
"@ slldiv2n\n\t"
"mov %Q0, %Q1, lsr %2\n\t"
"orr %Q0, %Q0, %R1, lsl %3\n\t"
"mov %R0, %R1, asr %2\n\t"
: "=r" (y)
: "r" (x), "rM" (n), "rM" (32 - n)
y = x >> n;
return y;
* Unpack the IEEE floating point double format and put it in fixed point
* sll format.
static __inline__ sll dbl2sll(double dbl)
union {
double d;
unsigned u[2];
ull _ull;
sll _sll;
} in, retval;
register unsigned exp;
/* Move into memory as args might be passed in regs */
in.d = dbl;
#if defined(__arm__)
/* ARM architecture has a big-endian double */
exp = in.u[0];
in.u[0] = in.u[1];
in.u[1] = exp;
#endif /* defined(__arm__) */
/* Leading 1 is assumed by IEEE */
retval.u[1] = 0x40000000;
/* Unpack the mantissa into the unsigned long */
retval.u[1] |= (in.u[1] << 10) & 0x3ffffc00;
retval.u[1] |= (in.u[0] >> 22) & 0x000003ff;
retval.u[0] = in.u[0] << 10;
/* Extract the exponent and align the decimals */
exp = (in.u[1] >> 20) & 0x7ff;
if (exp)
retval._ull >>= 1053 - exp;
return 0L;
/* Negate if negative flag set */
if (in.u[1] & 0x80000000)
retval._sll = -retval._sll;
return retval._sll;
static __inline__ sll float2sll(float f)
return dbl2sll((double)f);
static __inline__ float sll2float(sll s)
return ((float)sll2dbl(s));
* Calculate cos x where -pi/4 <= x <= pi/4
* Description:
* cos x = 1 - x^2 / 2! + x^4 / 4! - ... + x^(2N) / (2N)!
* Note that (pi/4)^12 / 12! < 2^-32 which is the smallest possible number.
static __inline__ sll _sllcos(sll x)
sll retval, x2;
x2 = sllmul(x, x);
* cos x = t0 + t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6
* f0 = 0! = 1
* f1 = 2! = 2 * 1 * f0 = 2 * f0
* f2 = 4! = 4 * 3 * f1 = 12 x f1
* f3 = 6! = 6 * 5 * f2 = 30 * f2
* f4 = 8! = 8 * 7 * f3 = 56 * f3
* f5 = 10! = 10 * 9 * f4 = 90 * f4
* f6 = 12! = 12 * 11 * f5 = 132 * f5
* t0 = 1
* t1 = -t0 * x2 / 2 = -t0 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_2
* t2 = -t1 * x2 / 12 = -t1 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_12
* t3 = -t2 * x2 / 30 = -t2 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_30
* t4 = -t3 * x2 / 56 = -t3 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_56
* t5 = -t4 * x2 / 90 = -t4 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_90
* t6 = -t5 * x2 / 132 = -t5 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_132
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(x2, SLL_CONST_1_132));
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_90));
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_56));
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_30));
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_12));
retval = _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, slldiv2(sllmul(x2, retval)));
return retval;
* Calculate sin x where -pi/4 <= x <= pi/4
* Description:
* sin x = x - x^3 / 3! + x^5 / 5! - ... + x^(2N+1) / (2N+1)!
* Note that (pi/4)^13 / 13! < 2^-32 which is the smallest possible number.
static __inline__ sll _sllsin(sll x)
sll retval, x2;
x2 = sllmul(x, x);
* sin x = t0 + t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6
* f0 = 0! = 1
* f1 = 3! = 3 * 2 * f0 = 6 * f0
* f2 = 5! = 5 * 4 * f1 = 20 x f1
* f3 = 7! = 7 * 6 * f2 = 42 * f2
* f4 = 9! = 9 * 8 * f3 = 72 * f3
* f5 = 11! = 11 * 10 * f4 = 110 * f4
* f6 = 13! = 13 * 12 * f5 = 156 * f5
* t0 = 1
* t1 = -t0 * x2 / 6 = -t0 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_6
* t2 = -t1 * x2 / 20 = -t1 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_20
* t3 = -t2 * x2 / 42 = -t2 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_42
* t4 = -t3 * x2 / 72 = -t3 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_72
* t5 = -t4 * x2 / 110 = -t4 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_110
* t6 = -t5 * x2 / 156 = -t5 * x2 * SLL_CONST_1_156
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(x2, SLL_CONST_1_156));
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_110));
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_72));
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_42));
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_20));
retval = _sllsub(x, sllmul(sllmul(x2, retval), SLL_CONST_1_6));
return retval;
static __inline__ sll sllcos(sll x)
int i;
sll retval;
/* Calculate cos (x - i * pi/2), where -pi/4 <= x - i * pi/2 <= pi/4 */
i = sll2int(_slladd(sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_2_PI), SLL_CONST_1_2));
x = _sllsub(x, sllmul(int2sll(i), SLL_CONST_PI_2));
switch (i & 3) {
case 0:
retval = _sllcos(x);
case 1:
retval = sllneg(_sllsin(x));
case 2:
retval = sllneg(_sllcos(x));
case 3:
retval = _sllsin(x);
return retval;
static __inline__ sll sllsin(sll x)
int i;
sll retval;
/* Calculate sin (x - n * pi/2), where -pi/4 <= x - i * pi/2 <= pi/4 */
i = sll2int(_slladd(sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_2_PI), SLL_CONST_1_2));
x = _sllsub(x, sllmul(int2sll(i), SLL_CONST_PI_2));
switch (i & 3) {
case 0:
retval = _sllsin(x);
case 1:
retval = _sllcos(x);
case 2:
retval = sllneg(_sllsin(x));
case 3:
retval = sllneg(_sllcos(x));
return retval;
static __inline__ sll slltan(sll x)
int i;
sll retval;
i = sll2int(_slladd(sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_2_PI), SLL_CONST_1_2));
x = _sllsub(x, sllmul(int2sll(i), SLL_CONST_PI_2));
switch (i & 3) {
case 0:
case 2:
retval = slldiv(_sllsin(x), _sllcos(x));
case 1:
case 3:
retval = sllneg(slldiv(_sllcos(x), _sllsin(x)));
return retval;
* atan x = SUM[n=0,) (-1)^n * x^(2n + 1)/(2n + 1), |x| < 1
* Two term approximation
* a = x - x^3/3
* Gives us
* atan x = a + ??
* Let ?? = arctan ?
* atan x = a + arctan ?
* Rearrange
* atan x - a = arctan ?
* Apply tan to both sides
* tan (atan x - a) = tan arctan ?
* tan (atan x - a) = ?
* Applying the standard formula
* tan (u - v) = (tan u - tan v) / (1 + tan u * tan v)
* Gives us
* tan (atan x - a) = (tan atan x - tan a) / (1 + tan arctan x * tan a)
* Let t = tan a
* tan (atan x - a) = (x - t) / (1 + x * t)
* So finally
* arctan x = a + arctan ((tan x - t) / (1 + x * t))
* And the typical worst case is x = 1.0 which converges in 3 iterations.
static __inline__ sll _sllatan(sll x)
sll a, t, retval;
/* First iteration */
a = sllmul(x, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(x, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_3))));
retval = a;
/* Second iteration */
t = slldiv(_sllsin(a), _sllcos(a));
x = slldiv(_sllsub(x, t), _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(t, x)));
a = sllmul(x, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(x, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_3))));
retval = _slladd(retval, a);
/* Third iteration */
t = slldiv(_sllsin(a), _sllcos(a));
x = slldiv(_sllsub(x, t), _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(t, x)));
a = sllmul(x, _sllsub(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(x, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_3))));
return _slladd(retval, a);
static __inline__ sll sllatan(sll x)
sll retval;
if (x < -sllneg(SLL_CONST_1))
retval = sllneg(SLL_CONST_PI_2);
else if (x > SLL_CONST_1)
retval = SLL_CONST_PI_2;
return _sllatan(x);
return _sllsub(retval, _sllatan(sllinv(x)));
* Calculate e^x where -0.5 <= x <= 0.5
* Description:
* e^x = x^0 / 0! + x^1 / 1! + ... + x^N / N!
* Note that 0.5^11 / 11! < 2^-32 which is the smallest possible number.
static __inline__ sll _sllexp(sll x)
sll retval;
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(0, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_11)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_11)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_10)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_9)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, slldiv2n(x, 3)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_7)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_6)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_5)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, slldiv4(x)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_3)));
retval = _slladd(SLL_CONST_1, sllmul(retval, slldiv2(x)));
return retval;
* Calculate e^x where x is arbitrary
static __inline__ sll sllexp(sll x)
int i;
sll e, retval;
/* -0.5 <= x <= 0.5 */
i = sll2int(_slladd(x, SLL_CONST_1_2));
retval = _sllexp(_sllsub(x, int2sll(i)));
/* i >= 0 */
if (i < 0) {
i = -i;
e = SLL_CONST_1_E;
/* Scale the result */
for (;i; i >>= 1) {
if (i & 1)
retval = sllmul(retval, e);
e = sllmul(e, e);
return retval;
* Calculate natural logarithm using Netwton-Raphson method
static __inline__ sll slllog(sll x)
sll x1, ln = 0;
/* Scale: e^(-1/2) <= x <= e^(1/2) */
while (x < SLL_CONST_1_SQRTE) {
ln = _sllsub(ln, SLL_CONST_1);
x = sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_E);
while (x > SLL_CONST_SQRTE) {
ln = _slladd(ln, SLL_CONST_1);
x = sllmul(x, SLL_CONST_1_E);
/* First iteration */
x1 = sllmul(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_1), slldiv2(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_3)));
ln = _sllsub(ln, x1);
x = sllmul(x, _sllexp(x1));
/* Second iteration */
x1 = sllmul(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_1), slldiv2(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_3)));
ln = _sllsub(ln, x1);
x = sllmul(x, _sllexp(x1));
/* Third iteration */
x1 = sllmul(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_1), slldiv2(_sllsub(x, SLL_CONST_3)));
ln = _sllsub(ln, x1);
return ln;
* ln x^y = y * log x
* e^(ln x^y) = e^(y * log x)
* x^y = e^(y * ln x)
static __inline__ sll sllpow(sll x, sll y)
if (y == SLL_CONST_0)
return SLL_CONST_1;
return sllexp(sllmul(y, slllog(x)));
* Consider a parabola centered on the y-axis
* y = a * x^2 + b
* Has zeros (y = 0) at
* a * x^2 + b = 0
* a * x^2 = -b
* x^2 = -b / a
* x = +- (-b / a)^(1 / 2)
* Letting a = 1 and b = -X
* y = x^2 - X
* x = +- X^(1 / 2)
* Which is convenient since we want to find the square root of X, and we can
* use Newton's Method to find the zeros of any f(x)
* xn = x - f(x) / f'(x)
* Applied Newton's Method to our parabola
* f(x) = x^2 - X
* xn = x - (x^2 - X) / (2 * x)
* xn = x - (x - X / x) / 2
* To make this converge quickly, we scale X so that
* X = 4^N * z
* Taking the roots of both sides
* X^(1 / 2) = (4^n * z)^(1 / 2)
* X^(1 / 2) = 2^n * z^(1 / 2)
* Let N = 2^n
* x^(1 / 2) = N * z^(1 / 2)
* We want this to converge to the positive root, so we must start at a point
* 0 < start <= x^(1 / 2)
* or
* x^(1/2) <= start <= infinity
* since
* (1/2)^(1/2) = 0.707
* 2^(1/2) = 1.414
* A good choice is 1 which lies in the middle, and takes 4 iterations to
* converge from either extreme.
static __inline__ sll sllsqrt(sll x)
sll n, xn;
/* Start with a scaling factor of 1 */
n = SLL_CONST_1;
/* Quick solutions for the simple cases */
if (x <= SLL_CONST_0 || x == SLL_CONST_1)
return x;
/* Scale x so that 0.5 <= x < 2 */
while (x >= SLL_CONST_2) {
x = slldiv4(x);
n = sllmul2(n);
while (x < SLL_CONST_1_2) {
x = sllmul4(x);
n = slldiv2(n);
/* Simple solution if x = 4^n */
if (x == SLL_CONST_1)
return n;
/* The starting point */
xn = SLL_CONST_1;
/* Four iterations will be enough */
xn = _sllsub(xn, slldiv2(_sllsub(xn, slldiv(x, xn))));
xn = _sllsub(xn, slldiv2(_sllsub(xn, slldiv(x, xn))));
xn = _sllsub(xn, slldiv2(_sllsub(xn, slldiv(x, xn))));
xn = _sllsub(xn, slldiv2(_sllsub(xn, slldiv(x, xn))));
/* Scale the result */
return sllmul(n, xn);
static inline sll sllatan2(sll x, sll y)
register sll ret;
register sll d=slldiv(y,x);
if (d <= SLL_CONST_1 && d >= sllneg(SLL_CONST_1))
ret=sllmul(SLL_CONST_ATAN_1, d);
if (x > SLL_CONST_0)
ret= slladd(ret, SLL_CONST_PI);
return ret;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* MATHSLL_H */