First Wii Mod Chip ? (video Included)


May 21, 2006
The first Wii modchip has been announced and will be ready to ship on February 1st. It features:

- Run your own region (PAL/NTSC) backups directly
- 5 Cables to solder
- Easy Installation
- Modchip not upgradable

I can confirm the modchip is real as I have been in contact with the developers for a few weeks and they should shortly be uploading a video to prove it. In the meantime you can check out the photos of the modchip below. I will update with more news soon once I get to speak to the developers again.

[UPDATE] I have spoke to the developers and they have confirmed the two videos of the modchip are real, you can view them here and here. I should also have some brand new photos of the modchip sometime soon.

video -

info & pictures or modchip -
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Will beleive it when I see them on sale etc...

That video could Easilly be fake... Notice the TV was a TV / VCR Combo which had a Video in it... Could easilly have just been playing a pre recorded video of real games booting up...
Its been verified as real, It wont play homebrew but it will allow you to play backups!!
where is it verified to be real?? all I can see is - "I can confirm the modchip is real as I have been in contact with the developers for a few weeks " which isnt much of a verification to me...

Beeing in contact with someone isnt realy proof that its a real chip... Anyone could email someone saying they are producing a chip and it works etc... Now if he said that he can confirm its real as he has Actually Physically held the Wii that has the chip in it and put the backed up games in it personally and played them then I would beleive it but for now I will wait and see untill its officially released.. I Hope its true.
where is it verified to be real?? all I can see is - "I can confirm the modchip is real as I have been in contact with the developers for a few weeks " which isnt much of a verification to me...

Beeing in contact with someone isnt realy proof that its a real chip... Anyone could email someone saying they are producing a chip and it works etc... Now if he said that he can confirm its real as he has Actually Physically held the Wii that has the chip in it and put the backed up games in it personally and played them then I would beleive it but for now I will wait and see untill its officially released.. I Hope its true.
Guyfawkes is a trusted member of this community, I'll take his word for it
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where is it verified to be real?? all I can see is - "I can confirm the modchip is real as I have been in contact with the developers for a few weeks " which isnt much of a verification to me...

Beeing in contact with someone isnt realy proof that its a real chip... Anyone could email someone saying they are producing a chip and it works etc... Now if he said that he can confirm its real as he has Actually Physically held the Wii that has the chip in it and put the backed up games in it personally and played them then I would beleive it but for now I will wait and see untill its officially released.. I Hope its true.
Guyfawkes is a trusted member of this community, I'll take his word for it

Guyfawkes is a trusted member, but its still possible that the people claiming to have made the chip are feeding him false information...

Anyway, theirs another Chip out now and Maxconsole has been sent some to test (So I will be trusting this one a little more as they actually physically have it) ... -

First Ever REAL Wii Modchip Arrives - CycloWiz!

It seems that Wiinja is already outdated even before its release. Fedex dropped a nice little gift for us today to review. Say hello to CycloWiz!

Here is what we know so far about this chip:

- Quicksolder (no wires required)
- Plays Wii Backups
- Plays GC Backups
- Play GC Homebrew
- Play GC Imports (swap needed)
- Built-in Audiofix (GC games using streaming are working flawlessly, no patch needed)
- DVD-R / DVD+R support
- Optional chip disable wire
- Stealth even when chip is enabled
- Multi-purpose LED

The chip is supposed to be shipped by the end of the week, so in fact this may be the first "real" Modchip to reach the market!

It looks like a very pro and easy to install solution! We're not sure Wiinja has built-in audiofix, but this is definitely a must-have feature. Expect a review soon, including a video of the installation process!


Either way I hope that at least one of them is real :)
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Ill just be happy when they bring out a Freeloader disc for the wii so i can play import games on it. Im getting kinda bored of the games I have and the only decent new game coming out soon in europe is excite truck.
Yup, only problem with these first 2 chips is no import support :(

Personally I would do the install with wires so when a chip comes out that supports imports you can easilly remove the old chip..

Even novice solderers should be able to install this, took max console just over a minute to do it :)
now theirs a 3rd chip in development which can be upgraded via DVD..