First Run Pandoras - Individually numbered?

TaG said:
Forget_the_Rest said:
I'm not sure what, but it would be nice to have something extra included with the first batch, kind of a "thank you for having faith in us" type of thing.
You're already going to get something extra special in your pre-order delivery: a nice new Pandora. And with no price increases.

Or price decreases...

My point is that this is the 1st run of these. How do you difference this batch with any other batch that comes out?
sortableturnip said:
TaG said:
Forget_the_Rest said:
I'm not sure what, but it would be nice to have something extra included with the first batch, kind of a "thank you for having faith in us" type of thing.
You're already going to get something extra special in your pre-order delivery: a nice new Pandora. And with no price increases.
Or price decreases...
Craigix said something before pre-order about increased costs and that they would guarantee the price for pre-orders, hinting that they might not be able to hold that price. But who knows. Craig likes to be enigmatic.

sortableturnip said:
My point is that this is the 1st run of these. How do you difference this batch with any other batch that comes out?
This is sooo obvious. By March 2009, when the first of the next batch might be spotted, the first batch will have four months of use, customisation of hardware and software. :)

Actually, if they do something then great. But I do not want to increase their costs or the time to delivery - it will be awesome as is.
Alternatively they could print something like "not first batch" on all later units. Then the first batch ones would still be special. :P

Personally, I'd prefer some kind of long and cryptic looking serial number hidden somewhere on the casing of which only the first or last digit indicates from which batch the Pandora in question originates. Or it could be a single letter preceding, succeding or being inbetween lots of numbers...
TaG said:
Forget_the_Rest said:
I'm not sure what, but it would be nice to have something extra included with the first batch, kind of a "thank you for having faith in us" type of thing.
You're already going to get something extra special in your pre-order delivery: a nice new Pandora. And with no price increases.
Price increase? That is what I was thinking. That is why I ordered from the first batch. I didn't want to take a chance that the current situation with the economy would mean an increase in the price of the next batch. I'm broke as a bad joke, but I'll live.
Ok ill just settle by the box being signed by all the developers :)

Shouldn't be that hard....signing 4000 boxes.... I mean, celebrities do it all the time?

I dunno.

Would be nice tho.
get Craigx to toss in a signed moonpie 8)~

scrounge the subways for odd bits to toss in the boxes every 5th order or so :> call it a cultural awarness endever lol

or every 100 or so preload a Pandora with pics of the wifey assembleing your very own pandora :> something along the iphone thing ..

better yet pics of Evildragon wearing a speedo with pics of the Pandora dev team on the front (the hasslhoff thang :> )

ok ill go away now back to work
mmalficia said:
get Craigx to toss in a signed moonpie 8)~

scrounge the subways for odd bits to toss in the boxes every 5th order or so :> call it a cultural awarness endever lol

or every 100 or so preload a Pandora with pics of the wifey assembleing your very own pandora :> something along the iphone thing ..

better yet pics of Evildragon wearing a speedo with pics of the Pandora dev team on the front (the hasslhoff thang :> )

ok ill go away now back to work :P

How about a laser etched pandora logo on the top?
why don't you sit down and try to do even 1000 signatures

it's a chore and a half

a lot of celeb's charge for autographs for this reason and other times, it's a promotional thing which ends up paying them, the preorders don't need to be signed

i'll be satisfied with having something noone else i know has, especially at the big family get-together on thanksgiving or christmas

i have a huge family
it'll be special enough to me. I only know one other person in my circle of friends interested in such a device, and he missed the preorder :(

lol of course now he's asking if the paypal cancels are up for grabs.
Wonslung said:
why don't you sit down and try to do even 1000 signatures

it's a chore and a half

a lot of celeb's charge for autographs for this reason and other times, it's a promotional thing which ends up paying them, the preorders don't need to be signed

i'll be satisfied with having something noone else i know has, especially at the big family get-together on thanksgiving or christmas

i have a huge family
why? less people to play multiplayer with, whether pandora native games through whatever mode there is, wifi or adhoc or whatever, or emlators wirelessly.