First Alpha Of Bombz For Gp32


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
As per the screenshot I posted the other day, here is the first BombZ running on GP32:


It has no levels beside the first demo level or two, but it should serve as a test version so you guys can let me know if it runs well for you and how it feels to you. Theres lots to do yet, like adding levels, audio, better AI, power ups, etc, but it shoudl handle death and multiple lives, level resets etc etc alright. (And its all scrpit driven, which is cool :)

Let me know what you think :)

(Once I get some levels in there, I'll release it for windows/mac/unix/linux/palmos/zodiac/gp32 .. it runs on all of them equally :)

Seems very cool skeezix, just two questions... Why is the bomb explosion pics for down the side pics on not like the top ones? and why is there one block that can't be blown up and others that turn to wall blocks when blown up? Also one last thing... I've killed all the enemies now how do I finish the level?

Other than that a great looking BM clone! I really like the diagonal movement too!

Also noticed that level1 has an extra 5 lines on the bottom for me :S
yeah level1 is just a test level to screw around with so far; its stretched at the bottom for experimentation.

The down-explosion is b0rked still; I need to fix the artwork up.

The gray walls can't be blown up; the orange ones can. (For now) One of the gray walls has a orange one on it, so that one can be killed.

Theres no end-of-level handler yet, since only the one level (though you can sometimes pop onto the 2nd level if you're careful.)

Thanks for the commentary; I'll try and fix it all up.

As long as its going in the right direction and folks will enjoy it, I'll keep at it.

Yep, its a Zot derivative. ie: I'm working the Zot engine to be capable of this stuff, and using the Zot engine via script to make the game.

As you can see, much progreess has been made .. it can read from datafiles on expansion card, or it can read from files cached into itself. So to make life easier, one binary and it plays the whole game, but its still script based if you suck the fxe into a text editor you'll see all the script in there :)

Being Zot, its pretty versatile.. expect levels in Bombz that have slippery floors, darkness, rebounding shots, etc :)

yeah hopefully some progress soon; really, I think its come along pretty well.. just need to add levels, since its not much fun with nothing to do :)

I've added poeerups already (extra bombs, wider explosion); working on some tweaks (better corner handlign so you don't get jammed up, better collsiion detection for things that need to be per-tile and not overlapping of tiles, like explosions) and should be pretty playable.

skeezix posted on Oct 4 2004 at 01:35 PM said:
Yep, its a Zot derivative. ie: I'm working the Zot engine to be capable of this stuff, and using the Zot engine via script to make the game.

As you can see, much progreess has been made .. it can read from datafiles on expansion card, or it can read from files cached into itself. So to make life easier, one binary and it plays the whole game, but its still script based if you suck the fxe into a text editor you'll see all the script in there :)

Being Zot, its pretty versatile.. expect levels in Bombz that have slippery floors, darkness, rebounding shots, etc :)


Almost seems like a combination of Bomberman and Chip's Challenge. That could be a great twist with a puzzle element. Admittedly the original Bomberman was a bit repetitive after awhile.
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Please try to use some .fxe-compressor next time you publish it, because right now, you can easily edit the levels in the .fxe with notepad. ;)