Finally there's an update to my page

Make a secret "members only section" with the "real" warez in it, then make it a username/password form and underneath "psst...the username ISN'T meonlyevil and the password ISN'T gp32"

Then when they get in give them a barrage of javascript alert boxes
thanks for that link, its going right into my bookmarks.
this is the best translator i have ever used...i mean...

+HI5 1$ ThE 835t tr@N$l4+OR 1 H4V3 ev3r used
here is with the advanced leetness
ThI5 1$ +|-|e 83$T +R4nSl4+oR I HaV3 e\/er U$3|)
TH@+'5 JU5T T0+4Lly WICKed ;)

I'm now getting the hang of this!!

hmmm, cool site :-)

And thanks for puuting dirt on my name :)

Make a .smc file with all the right directory structure, and all the files in it (filled with gibberish of course) and add a .fxe in GPMM (n00bs that want warez will think that warez comes in that fromat) that when you run it, it says: "Please wait while inializing warez cracker...... EST Time left: 10 Years." :lol:
Include a program that says on the GP32 screen 'Sorry you're on welfare, but GO BUY YOUR OWN GAMES' and has the 'YOU ARE AN IDIOT' music playing in the background (search it up on the internet)
and upload that file with different names (like ASR.SMC) etc. etc...