Finally! Halo For The Atari 2600.

Uh...Clem said:

Do you know who Ed Fries actually is?

The father of the Xbox, and the guy behind Microsoft buying Bungie. I haven't heard his name in years. :)
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Pity it's only a flash game, here I was thinking I could play it in Stella...
I've never played Halo and I imagine this is nothing like it, but for a 2600 game this is actually quite good! Would have been really well received if released back then.
I've never played Halo so it isn't all that exciting for me. I couldn't find out how to shoot until I found out I had to go up to get the gun. Cool though, when I get my Pandora I'll put the rom on there.
I tested it in Little John Portable. Turns out that in said emulator, there's severe graphical glitching. On half of Master Chief goes to another half of the screen XD!