Finally Got A Caanoo! Some Questions :)


Still Fresh
Dec 13, 2012
Hi folks!
got finally a Caanoo! Just went ahead and ordered one from Korea (too bad they had no white ones; so got a black one).
Now I have some questions:
1) is the Caanoo able to run GP2x and Wiz games by default, or it needs some sort of "emulator" ?
2) Since the Gamepark site is dead, is there any place where I can find games? I saw some homebrew ones, but I was wondering if that's all that is available. I can buy them of course; not trying to get anything from a torrent. I remember that many years ago the GP32 had a store; with some games on it, so I assume that the GP site also had some games made for the GP2X, Wiz and Caanoo, but can't find any kind of info/review about them at all (are they so crappy ? :P)
3) is there a guide about how the development on the Caanoo works? I saw on a site the unofficial SDK, but I was hoping that there is something more than just a bunch of tools to install...I don't even know what kind of language the Caanoo uses, nor how do you compile for it :) Being Linux based I assume that you can just write code on a Linux Ubuntu machine with Eclipse, and compile for ARM? Any info would be appreciated...I am looking to see how hard is to write code on it, compared to android. I know how to write code for Windows using Visual studio, and know a bit about g++ on linux; so I am not a total noob :)
Thanks a lot for any reply! It is a lot of fun to play on the go with some classic games; altho the control knob is really a killing wonder why no other console uses it, preferring a more traditional d-pad :) after a bit that you play, it simply slips from under your thumb! Maybe I just need to get used to; I play all the time with a psp :) 
3) there may be a few ways, mine is GLBasic, can compile to caanoo and many other hardwares.
It is not free, but way extremely worth it. :)
check here:
ye, the analog control on caanoo just scaes me a bit, but it is quite sensible/good when programming and so is the g-sensor.
Thanks for the reply!
I used the old visual basic 6 many years ago; so i will give a try to glbasic :) Altho I am more comfortable in writing C++ code, but pick up basic again may be a good diversion :)
Thanks for the link! Got Ginga and downloaded a lot of these free games; some are really impressive! I wonder how were they written :) even on that link I can't find too much documentation about the various libraries for the Caanoo (if there are any of course; otherwise gotta write up every single driver from scratch and will take me quite a while :P).
Thanks again!
darshie said:
Thanks for the reply!
I used the old visual basic 6 many years ago; so i will give a try to glbasic :) Altho I am more comfortable in writing C++ code, but pick up basic again may be a good diversion :)
Thanks for the link! Got Ginga and downloaded a lot of these free games; some are really impressive! I wonder how were they written :) even on that link I can't find too much documentation about the various libraries for the Caanoo (if there are any of course; otherwise gotta write up every single driver from scratch and will take me quite a while :P).
Thanks again!
GLB is more like an old fashioned basic(8 bit, AMOS kind of stuff), not quite the visual basic type, but... if you are comfortable writing C++, you can use that too inside GLBasic easyly.
Give a try on the free version and step up over that forum for more info.