Final Match Tennis translated...


Still Fresh
Aug 9, 2003
Whell the topic says it all, is there an english version of Final Match Tennis?
If not are there any other good tennis games on any platform(playable on the Gp32) to look at?


yeah, the game is pretty straight forward, unless there is more than one version and we are thinking of different versions. :unsure:
You do know there was a pretty darn good tennis game for the actual GP32 released in ADIC last year, don't you? Can't remember what I was called though...
Mario Tennis on GBC is pretty good...
I especially like how the story mode plays out like an RPG(you get experience points and such and walk around between matches).
Try it out, you may like it, you may not.
I'll second the point raised by Mario Tennis on GBC - highly playable. Also has anyone played Pete Sampras Tennis on Genesis (by Codemasters)? - this game was amazing especially at the time with the four player J-cart invention (2 control ports in the cartridge itself + 2 ports on the console)
sensible GP32 posted on Mar 4 2004 at 11:26 AM said:
super smash court tennis (amen) - namco super nes..... amazing!
ahh was searching all over for that the other day... thought it was called super family tennis! No wonder i couldn't find it :D
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