Final Fantasy VII

ElPoco, I feel like you. The battles in Final Fantasy are far too many, far too little interesting and annoying. This is why I don't manage to enjoy these traditional J-RPGs.

I do love the action RPGs and tactical RPGs.

Seiken Densetsu / Mystic Quest / Final Fantasy Adventure on the Game Boy was excellent and was my introduction to the japanese RPGs. Highly recommended game.


Also, best musics on the GameBoy:
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@WizarddStan : Care to elaborate? 

If I recall correctly, there's this battle that you think will be the final battle, but then the big bad does something unexpected and the world is more or less destroyed. Then there's this scene where the girl wakes up alone on an island and there's a scene that's a callback to the opera one, and at the end she throws herself from the top of a house/cliff.

And then it turns out she's still alive, and the other party members as well and you have to go around the world finding them all and having thousands and thousands of boring random encounters to get gear and exp for the real last battle.
Oh, no, I got orders wrong. Yes, that does happen, I thought the suicide part was after the fish part. There's two outcomes to that, I just got confused as to which is which.

But if you think it's a terrible story then I can't say anything to change your mind.
Oh, no, I got orders wrong. Yes, that does happen, I thought the suicide part was after the fish part. There's two outcomes to that, I just got confused as to which is which.

But if you think it's a terrible story then I can't say anything to change your mind.

You were right the first time, she only attempts suicide if you don't manage to save Cid.