When I think about it, I've never really enjoyed any of the stories of the Squaresoft games I've played, and find most turn-based combat in JRPG to be boring. I've enjoyed Secret Of Mana thanks to the multiplayer co-op and I've enjoyed Live A Live thanks to its mastery of the tropes, including the brilliant reversal in the last part of the game, but that's it. (I haven't played any squaresoft games after the SNES, though).
Have you tried FF6?
Meanwhile, I've got fond memories of the SNES Quintet-Enix games like Illusion of Gaia/Time, Terranigma and even Robotrek despites its turn-based battles. I find them to be far superior story-wise, and to have better gameplay mechanics.
If you like those, you should really play
Star Ocean and
Tales of Phantasia!
I think all of those are superior to every Final Fantasy game but those two are right on top of the list.
Better story by far, not completely linear, best graphics SNES had to offer and excellent real time fighting system in both.
Sadly they never came out in Germany but I played them 15 years later and it was awesome, I'd even recommend those to people who don't like any JRPGs at all.