Filtering Out Useless Roms

May 25, 2006
you know how them rom packs are, have about 5 copies of the same game with [h5] or (e) after the name.
Is there a way to filter out all the copies and delete the end of the names? other then manually of course
i want to squeeze every inch of my 4 gb sd card space. Is there a program which will allow a list to be made (e.g the mame compatibility list or top100 genesis roms) to filter all the useless roms out?
Sorry if this sounds wierd, but if you understand my logic then direct me to software to allow this, thanks
what i do is in dosconsole
del *[h*].*
del *[o*].*
del *[a*].*
del *[b*].*

or copy the 4 lines in a notepad and save it as delete.bat and then doubleclick on delete.bat :P

(e) is for europe, sometimes there are games for europe only and not for u.s.

ps (PD) are non-comm. games/software create at directory and in dosconsole

move *(pd).* "newdirectory'
did what naccurit said, helped by removing some of the endings
then made my own delete.bat with more endings, then it deleted loads files. hmm cant seem to work the good tools either (gui dont work, cant understand the command line version)
NaCCuRiT posted on May 31 2006 at 07:45 PM said:
what i do is in dosconsole
del *[h*].*
del *[o*].*
del *[a*].*
del *[b*].*

or copy the 4 lines in a notepad and save it as delete.bat and then doubleclick on delete.bat :P

(e) is for europe, sometimes there are games for europe only and not for u.s.

ps (PD) are non-comm. games/software create at directory and in dosconsole

move *(pd).* "newdirectory'

Seems to be, that occasionally there is no [!] rom, so one of those [h*] roms will be the best...
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mainly i want to just delete all the duplicates, the ending removing is too much hassle
is there any way to delete the "shortest" name of each copy
because the stuff with the least writing is what i choose to load
freddykreuger666 posted on May 31 2006 at 03:14 PM said:
mainly i want to just delete all the duplicates, the ending removing is too much hassle
is there any way to delete the "shortest" name of each copy
because the stuff with the least writing is what i choose to load

What kind of a system is that? The game with the shortest name is the best? ;) Haha. At any rate, they are bad dumps, hacks, pirate copies, translations with introductions, trainer-patched copies with cheats built in, and sometimes, shitty fan-made alterations of the original game ROM. (Hi, Super Mario 2 KKK Edition!)
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linoleum13 posted on May 31 2006 at 08:09 PM said:
Is there an explanation for what all those endings mean and which ones are the best ones to keep around?
blabla[b1].zip = bad dump blabla[b2].zip = 2nd bad dump blabla[b3].zip = u know what I mean
blabla[h1].zip = hacked version
bla[a1].zip = alternative
blabla [T-Eng test].zip = translated into English

What you can do is delete all the files containing *[b*].zip , *[h*].zip , *[a*].zip
move *(pd).zip
after that.For Example you see 3same name games
Commando (U) [!].zip
Commando (E).zip
Commando (J).zip

J = Japanese
E = Europe
U = United States

and I think you keep (U) because it has [!] sign and thats the best romdump
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