Fight Demo


Still Fresh
Dec 29, 2003

I've been working on a fighting game in SDL for about a year or so.

Here's a short video:

[UPDATE: WiFi! ]



I figured it was a little too early to release the binary, there isn't that much to do, but I figured it was worth a clip and a link.

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(That embedded video doesn't work for me - but the one on your blog does.)

Looks pretty interesting! Are you using a physics engine or is it scripted somehow? I'm curious how you're going to implement an AI for this .. fighting-game AI has always fascinated me, got no idea how its done even though I've asked the question for years .. :)
nice video, i've always wanted to create a fighting game since i played street fighter 2 on the snes. fighting game ai? hey that'd also interest me :)
torpor said:
(That embedded video doesn't work for me - but the one on your blog does.)

Looks pretty interesting! Are you using a physics engine or is it scripted somehow? I'm curious how you're going to implement an AI for this .. fighting-game AI has always fascinated me, got no idea how its done even though I've asked the question for years .. :)
Thank you!

No, I am not using a physics engine, I did it using timers and some math. I have no effing clue how i'm going to do AI, I'm going to try to get network play working before that, haha.

Yeah, I couldn't get the video to embed properly.

Says to put the url in between [ tube ] tags..

The url is this:

is it not just [ tube ] [ /tube ] ?

(Without the spaces, I mean).
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Peter R said:
I've fixed the video embedding. I wasn't sure how to do it myself so I had to look it up and the result appears to be this:

[media]video URL[/media]

ah ha! Thank you!

[ media ] tags, not [ tube ]. got it.
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NeoGML said:
have some early synchronized play over wifi to show:

more to come. time to go to bed!


very, very cool. have you done any progress?
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Looks really great, I want to say that I'm looking forward to you releasing this .. I hope you release it for Pandora and Caanoo at the same time, though! :)