fGB32 Private Beta WIP


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Well since no one else has posted this, I'll do the honours. Not everyone's on the list.

rlyeh ports so much I wonder if he gets seasick. But anyway...

I took a look at fGB32. Awesome! Besides the improved compatibility over the previous emulators (I can finally play Wario Land 2 on my GP32!), it actually has an INTERFACE! (no offense to Zardoz Jones et. all)

This is a port of GNUboy by Laguna and co.

What we have
- Gameboy / Gameboy Colour support
- Almost perfect sound <-- can you tell the difference?
- SRAM saving/loading
- Directory browsing w/ GoodGBX database
- Zipped ROM support
- Great speed, sometimes even a little TOO fast!

This is the last beta before public release, so expect it soon!


I never owned a GB/GBC, but everything (so far) looks perfect in my eyes.
Once auto frameskip and a throttle is implemented this emulator will be great
generalnmx posted on Sep 29 2003 at 05:31 PM said:
What we have
- Gameboy / Gameboy Colour support
- Almost perfect sound <-- can you tell the difference?
- SRAM saving/loading
- Directory browsing w/ GoodGBX database
- Zipped ROM support
- Great speed, sometimes even a little TOO fast!
Geez, that's exactly everything you need :)

Quoted from the GP32Spain contest page:
"EvilDragon will donate 50 Euro to the contest if a fully working, full speed GB / GBC emulator with save states and zip-support and database (like NesterGP) is being released"

I guess that emulator is there :) I'll gladly donate the 50 Euro :)
Thanks a lot Rlyeh, regardless if you knew of the donation or didn't.
You make me (and a lot more people, I guess) really happy :)
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Shane posted on Sep 29 2003 at 07:59 PM said:
why doesn't someone implement that internet thing on gp32
it would be kinda fun and stupid but it would be progress
Surfing the net on the gp32? Is that what the internet thing is that you are talking about? I don't think it would be stupid. I'd really like, because then I could post and check the forums anytime (I can't go on the comp anytime I want cause my bro is like always on it).
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generalnmx posted on Sep 30 2003 at 01:50 AM said:
Latest WIP as of 9/29/2003

What's Added
Save States

Looks like you will have to cough up the dough, EvilDragon ;)
Yeah, but I'm really glad to know that it's worth it :)
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I have a beta and it's great :-P I'll give you some screens soon.

Todo (in my opionion) :
Chache (?) of roms
Save States

That's all
WhizzBang posted on Sep 30 2003 at 04:41 PM said:
Does it have full screen or any kind of stretch screen like GPvGB?
Yes it does ;)


Be happy people loads of screens for you :-P No screens of GBC games but look at the other screens in this thread for GBC pictures

edit// if you get a error use this link
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Next one
The first public release! I swear

6th alpha
Load/Save states. PNG screenshots. Preliminary frame
limiter. RTC (real-time clock) enabled.

Downloading NOW :-P I can't wait to try this litle masterpiece :D