Quick Questions


Still Fresh
Jan 1, 2008
Hey everyone, i have been looking to purchase a GP2x f-200 for a while now and have been thinking maybe
psp. Well i picked the GP2X.

Some questions before i make my purchase.

Does the f-200 only improve on the first model or has some disadvantages?

and second

Do i need the cradle to connect my GP2X to the TV, or just the wires.

Thanks alot in advanced.
Never had an F100 so can't answer the first question, although I have to admit the d-pad feels better to me than any joystick, but that's down to personal taste.

You don't need the cradle to connect the console to your TV, just the TV leads. However, you'll need the proper GP TV lead.
Oh, so i could only get the cables that are manufactured by the guys who made GP2X.
There are both advantages and disadvantages between the F100 and the F200. Checking the wiki is a good idea but here is a summary:

- The f100 had a crap digital joystick that sucked. The F200 has a crap dpad. (better than the F100, but still not what most would expect as a standard)

- The f100 had advanced USB functions that most users would not miss. For instance, being able to SSH into linux on the f100 was as simple as installing a driver. On the F200, all you get is a card reader (note: if you don't really understand what I mean, you will not miss the F100 features)

- Obviously, the F200 has a touchscreen, which opens up a LOT of possibilities for mouse driven applications and whatnot. (ScummVM is awesome with the Touchscreen)

- The F100 was black. Black is awesome, White sucks. =)

- The F200 has not been out for long. Getting help for it, or patches to make some software compatible with it is going to take some time. Personally, I am glad to be a "pioneer" in using the F200... But some users would find that frustrating and tedious.

As for the TV out capacities, it dows work through the cradle as well as a cable you can get from GPH for like 10$.

However, TV support is not going so well as far as my experience is concerned (this doesn't mean you would have the same experience)

hope that sums it up.

Think about it this way... the GP2X is a hacker's toy... if you don't want to fiddle around too much, maybe a PSP is better. But a PSP means fighting against Sony, who does not want you to use the device as you intend. The GP2X is quite the opposite... I would never buy a PSP because I think it sends the wrong message out (giving money to a company that has no respect for the creativity of it's user base), but that's me being political =)

Hope that clears some of it! Go check the Wiki
Thanks for the info, it sums it all up.

As for the PSP. The mian resons im buying a GP2X.....is cause it can

Run emulation with out Making a "Pandora" Battery and converting the Memory Stick. Also
keeping in mind it might Brick on ya.

And its more compatible and has a big community with lots of support, add-ons, and.....well support.
The main issue with the f200 is f100 software compatibility.

The f100's stick isn't bad. In fact, I dont see what all the fuss is about, mine works fine. I think it's just became fashionable to hang s**t on it, it's a peer-group thing? Given this trend, the f200's dpad was never going to be liked even if it was ok.