Hello all!
I am new in these forums.
I bought my GP2X MK.I a month ago.
It was pretty hard choise for me, because used PSPs are only about 100€.
But I haven't regret my decision buying GP2X!
It is wonderful little machine with big abilities for it's size.
Specially I was amazed when subtitles worked in my movies (even Ä and Ö - letters, thx mp2x!
But anyway, few questions:
One weird thing about this particular GP2X is, that there is a HAIR in between the LCD and the plastic cover.
Yep! :blink: It is not on the center of the screen or anything, but it annoys me sometimes.
So I want to remove it if possible.
So my question is:
how to dismantle my GP2X without destroying anything?
Probably the best way to remove the hair is to open the screws on the back and continue from there.
I tried to search dismantle instructions from here and from google, but no success.
2. Is my GP2X first or the second edition?
From GP2XWiki:
"Second Edition Mark 1
The battery and power lights are covered over with white and the 'First Edition' text is removed from the console." <-------This is all true with my GP2X, covered LEDs and no text.
"The USB / DC Rubber cover on the FE has two parts sticking out. One should go into the DC port, the other one into the USB port. As this never worked very well, GPH simply sliced off the DC one for all further editions." <---- I have only one rubber cover covering both ports...Which seems to make my GP2X a FIRST edition version...? :blink: :huh:
Or have I just got it all wrong.. :rolleyes: (which is not impossible at all, because of my poor english skill)
My GP2X: http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/8246/pict0744ar3.jpg
3. What is the "best" NES emulator, which works from ANY DIR on the SD card? I have used the NES2X, but it is a little slow and my favourite games (Double Dragon 1-3) do not work well in it.
BTW, why this forum does not accept hotmail.com - email addresses? I had a real pain to get registered here. :huh:
But anyway..
Thank you for your time and help!
And from this great GP2X site and forum!

I am new in these forums.
I bought my GP2X MK.I a month ago.
It was pretty hard choise for me, because used PSPs are only about 100€.
But I haven't regret my decision buying GP2X!
It is wonderful little machine with big abilities for it's size.
Specially I was amazed when subtitles worked in my movies (even Ä and Ö - letters, thx mp2x!
But anyway, few questions:
One weird thing about this particular GP2X is, that there is a HAIR in between the LCD and the plastic cover.
Yep! :blink: It is not on the center of the screen or anything, but it annoys me sometimes.
So I want to remove it if possible.
So my question is:
how to dismantle my GP2X without destroying anything?
Probably the best way to remove the hair is to open the screws on the back and continue from there.
I tried to search dismantle instructions from here and from google, but no success.
2. Is my GP2X first or the second edition?
From GP2XWiki:
"Second Edition Mark 1
The battery and power lights are covered over with white and the 'First Edition' text is removed from the console." <-------This is all true with my GP2X, covered LEDs and no text.
"The USB / DC Rubber cover on the FE has two parts sticking out. One should go into the DC port, the other one into the USB port. As this never worked very well, GPH simply sliced off the DC one for all further editions." <---- I have only one rubber cover covering both ports...Which seems to make my GP2X a FIRST edition version...? :blink: :huh:
Or have I just got it all wrong.. :rolleyes: (which is not impossible at all, because of my poor english skill)
My GP2X: http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/8246/pict0744ar3.jpg
3. What is the "best" NES emulator, which works from ANY DIR on the SD card? I have used the NES2X, but it is a little slow and my favourite games (Double Dragon 1-3) do not work well in it.
BTW, why this forum does not accept hotmail.com - email addresses? I had a real pain to get registered here. :huh:
But anyway..
Thank you for your time and help!
And from this great GP2X site and forum!