Fenixonfire - New Site?


Jan 19, 2004
Donny, England (follow signs that say craphole)
Hi everyone,

Been out of the game and not really visiting GP32x for a while for various reasons (a big one being i can't afford a GP2x) but i'd like to get involved again and had an idea.

The fenixonfire site is rather rubbish so i was thinking about re-designing and re-building it but there are a few things i need to know first. So, if you dont mind answering my questions then ill be happy to start work on it.

1. Does anyone actually use the existing site / would anyone use an English Fenix resource? (ie. do many people learn fenix these days)

2. Any difference between coding in Fenix for the GP32 and GP2x? (sorry for my ignorance)

3. If there is a difference, could somone provide me with some help/information for people new to coding Fenix on the GP2x?

4. Would people be willing to submit content to me such as guides etc to add to the existing content i have?

5. Any ideas what would be useful on the site? (complex stuff included)

Thanks for your time people :D
I used the site while I was (am) trying to learn Fenix. Great resource! I would have liked more intermediate coding tutorials and a more rounded programmer's manual, but I understand our situation isn't ideal.

By intermediate tutorials, I mean that while I know how to put simple graphics on the screen, etc., there aren't any more advanced tutorials that someone could string together to form a rudimentary game.

I've learned a lot from the sources on your site, but I still find that my understanding is lacking in areas. I suppose others have had prior programming experience and have transferred that knowledge to Fenix... or perhaps I just haven't spent enough time with it.

Anyway, thanks again, Splinter, for organizing and maintaing the site. It's much appreciated. :)
Great idea - I was initially put off by using Fenix and the fenixonfire helped me get started.

1. Yes, I'm trying to write a little game, but have difficulty finding time. Takes me a while to work out commands, and then I forget about it for a few weeks, and have to try to work them out again!

2. I think there is, some features don't work - not sure which. Tried porting what I have, and it falls over just after my title screen, so there are differences.

3. I am documenting my game as I go - it's modular so hopefully it could be added to by others in the future!

5. A template for a standard type of game - intro, menu, high score table, game over routine - that sort of thing. I've set mine up to do this, but want to get some 'modules' sorted out before I release anything. It could be a lot better than it is...
Started some work on the new site. I'm still undecided about alot of the content and how its going to work but i have a general outline of how its going to look. It still needs some work as it looks too plain atm but have a look at: http://fenixonfire.gp32x.de/working/index.php

Suggestions are more than welcome!

In particular, what would everyone like to see in terms of content?

Should i keep the snippets and sources sections as they are? What other sections would be useful?

One idea somone i suggested a while back was a page where you can post code and get help which i am thinking of incorporating.
Just an idea, As i'm not sure who could/would write the content, But

1) A step by step guide to setting up a fenix development enviroment, With links to the required files needed to setup and follow the guide, Basically an idiot's guide.

2) A step by step guide to writing a simple project/game, Broken down into small chunks, With simple explanations describing the commands used.

3) An index/appendix listing all available commands and Command syntax, With a simple usage guide.

I can see there would be hugh amount of work to do any of the suggestions above, And don't know if anyone would devote the time needed to do them. But it would make getting into fenix so much easier for thoughs of us with either basic or no programming knowledge.

If it's too much to ask, I'll fully understand.

I`m putting my noob hat on with this question, Is the site dedicated to a particular implementation of fenix eg. GP2x, Or will it cater for all implementation ?.

Hi troop,

Im more than happy to add sections for your ideas but writing them is another matter. I could probably cover it for the GP32 in XP but definately not the GP2x.

Would anyone be willing to write these?

While the original site was aimed at the GP32, im happy for this to cater for any/all implimentations, its just a matter of supplying content for the other implimentations of which im unfamiliar.

Is there much demand for info other implimentations?
Hi Splinter,

I am personally interested in learning fenix for the GP32 as i still use mine and have one spare, But don`t own a GP2x anymore. Also XP is the operating system i use.

I did try learning fenix a couple of years ago, But had problems getting started. One of the problems i experienced was understanding and setting up the fenix enviroment. So never really got going, As free time became a rarity, Got disheartened and pretty much gave up.

I did have a small amount of experience with the BASIC programming language on the SAM Coupe, Well enough to create a basic graphical mastermind game. Other than that, I`m pretty whet behind the ears.

Fenixonfire is a great resource for people wanting to learn fenix so i'm pleased it's being updated. As soon as I have some time I'll try and get some tutorials made to add to the site.

I think a tutorial which shows the making of a simple game from start to finish would be a great idea, I have the manual for DIV game studio and there is actually quite a good practical tutorial in that (it would only need minimal if any changes to work in fenix) but I'm not sure it can be re-produced due to copyright (even though div is long dead.) Do you think it would be worth contacting fasttrak to see if they mind it being re-produced.
I`d say, help developing the Fenix wiki or put your work into the site and making it just for gp2x-fenix-development, with a how-to-start-from-zero tutorials & stuff like that, best hosting all the needed files (including FB, PFG & FNT Edit) there.

I`d also say I`d make you a small game tutorial for it then.
sam fisher said:
I should release the souce to crapon lol. It's very crap ;)
Yeah, why not. People also need examples on how NOT to do it :P
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I tried to learn Fenix but I put it on hold due to it not being well documented and there not being many tutorials or sourcecode available to study.
It's a bit hard to know where to start when you have almost no programming experience.
( Only some very basic c++ using cout, cin, rand, if and while, you know.. The very first thing you get to learn.. )

I did manage to do a simple "hello world" with changing bgimages and bgmusic in Fenix. But that was about it and I didn't know where to go after that. ;)
I'd like to learn how to do more, but I don't know where to go really. =/

I did find fenixonfire to be a helpful start though, but some more content such as guides or tutorials on how to start from scratch would be nice. :)