Fenix Tutorial, Chapter 2

btw, i can't find the first part....is it available as a pdf-file as well?
ED do you know when we can start to learn to add all our pics and like make a 2 color pong remake?

sorry but i really just want to make a game/thing. :p
Any news on a Chapter 3 :D

I have got my moving text intro made (Got it to Scroll Upwards :D)

Im going to have a go at adding images and movement and all that but I think I will Fail :p LOL
program moving_sprite; //name of your program
    graph_mode=mode_16bits; //16 bit modus
    set_mode(m320x240); //gp32 resolution
    set_fps(30,0); //frames per second, frameskip

    load_fpg("sprite.fpg"); //loading a fpg into memory
    sprite(160,120); //calling a process called sprite with x value (160) and y value (120)

process sprite(x,y); //process called sprite
   graph=1; //uses the first graphic in the loaded fpg for this process
     x+=5; //moves this process (this sprite) 5 pixels to the right
     if(x==320) //if this process reaches the 320th pixel,
       x=0; //let it appear on the left side of the screen
      end; //end the "if" case
    end; //end loop
   end; //end process

But you have to find out on how to make fpgs. Not hard, just try with FPG Edit :)
Have fun. :D
Ok, Did the Petals game thing that was in that GP32 PDF Magazine thing (but It had bugs, But reading further down the PDF it said it has bugs anyways) :D

Now to try something by myself :D