Hi guys,
Im now part of the family, i received my Caanoo today....and i discovered FBA was ported on Wiz. So any chance to see a Caanoo port soon ?
Im also a member on 1emulation, and i asked 1 question to the famous iq_132...if he was interested to port his work (FBA) on Caanoo...his response was "If someone were to donate one, I'd consider it."
so why not...any one interested to donate so we can send him a Caanoo ? Having such a genius developping on Caanoo can be really interesting
I know im a new member...but hey..why not
if we're 20-30 peoples each of us donating 3-5 euros....iq_132 developping on Caanoo can be real 
And sorry for my english guys ^^
Im now part of the family, i received my Caanoo today....and i discovered FBA was ported on Wiz. So any chance to see a Caanoo port soon ?
Im also a member on 1emulation, and i asked 1 question to the famous iq_132...if he was interested to port his work (FBA) on Caanoo...his response was "If someone were to donate one, I'd consider it."
so why not...any one interested to donate so we can send him a Caanoo ? Having such a genius developping on Caanoo can be really interesting
I know im a new member...but hey..why not
And sorry for my english guys ^^