Fat ppl sueing food vendors, lego land worker sues


May 20, 2003
Leicestershire, UK
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If all the cafuddle about video games doesn't piss you of beyond believe, Greek laws prohibiting arcade games (something to do with them coming under laws that ban gambling machines), video games not protected by the constitution in America (while books and films are?!?!). Grieving parents blaming games for murderers action and now this.

Now we have ppl suing fast food restaurants (or trying to) for making them fat/unhealthy. Well boo-frigging-hoo im a big fat slob, I know it, admit it and admit its my fault for drinking like a fish eating like a pig and doing feck all exercise. Now they claim its only just come to light that your body craves surgery & fatty food and its fast food restaurants fault for exploiting this ??? what the ....? you wanted a burger, they provided you with it, now your going to sue them. Grr this sort of stuff makes me so angry.

Then there's the guy from Lego land who received, like the rest of the staff there, a little Lego man figure that was supposed to represent him, as a gift. Now this guys arm in a sling and well you can guess so was the little Lego mans. This guys pulls a total mard takes months off work claiming mental anguish and wins £10,000 compensation. Judges are supposedly educated, highly intelligent people. So when a whining little man comes before one with a small Lego figure, crying his eyes out and claiming this small plastic man caused him a nervous breakdown. This supposedly intelligent person goes and awards him ten grand. Arrr what wrong with ppl.

I remember one of my friends who works in the prison service told me their prison psychologist who was hired into a high security prison to consul paedophiles had a break down and was claiming compensation because talking to paedophiles about their crime mentally disturbed him. Well ok it would probably be one of the most unpleasant jobs on earth but its not like the guy thought he was hired as a playschool coordinator. He knew his job, he was trained to do it he should have been told to sod off as it was obvious he would have to perform this duty as part of his job.

And I remember reading last year ( I think may have been early this year) about a police officer who claimed he was traumatized by the violence he encountered during a riot ( he didn't actually receive any wounds just witnessed a big scuffle) so he claimed compensation. Again the guys needs a big dose of "its your fucking job, what did you expect".

Sory for the insane rant but i just hate this sue-happy culture its disgusting and I fear the day a single case like this against a videogames company succeeds because its going to open a terrible flood gate.

just needed to get that of my chest, I think the heat and my diet is making me randomly angry
I agree with you JDUK... It's everywhere now - Magazines, TV, Radio... holy crap I had some stupid jack-ass come up to me in the street the other week and stopped me and asked if I was involved "in an injury" recently? Then went on to babble on about things like tripping over on the pavement (Or sidewalk - Whatever) - And if I DID trip over, I COULD sue the council as it was THEIR FAULT...

** Can everyone please stand in a single line so I can take turns to sue you all*

How about I sue the police/ambulance/fire service for the mental anguish every time one whizzes past with the siren boring right through my skull? The pain, and the resulting deafness??? Could I have a claim there?

Could I sue the pub for when I get ratted, and then fall over outside and hurt myself?

Can I do the amusement ride that makes me sick?


What really narks me is when you see these stupid adverts on TV where there are claims like "I fell off the ladder - Got £10,000" - Hey, secure the bloody thing you arse then you won't fall off... Or "I stood up and hurt my back" - Excersie more - Jesus christ!

For any americans here, I appologise in advance - But thanks to the States, this has now become something of a problem in the UK now... It seems to be the fashion trend that's come over from the US (Where I have seen and read some REALLY weird claims - That, as always, seem to pay out a shite load of money to some complete moron!) and now is catching on like wildfire here too! <_<

I wouldn't mind, but some complete arse-wipes claim for some really daft accidents, and get money for it - So please excuse me while I go out and try to find that ladder propped over the wonky flagstone, so that I may sue for about £100,000... That should do for starters! :huh:
Have you seen that UK advert where a large woman's office chair breaks, she falls on the floor, and we are told she "won" a few grand.

I think that advert ends with something like "phone free and see what you could win".
If yer sit properly on a chair it wont break, and if yer sit on da edge and yer a fat cow then yeh yer gonna fall off.

Hey why dont we all sue everyone, then you'll be millionaires quick!! but soon you'll be suing someone at the same time someones is suing you. we all make mistakes and why do we have to pay somthing for small mistakes that we do, cant people just cope with being stupid and let their bruises heal.

They should televise these stupid trials cos itll make the accusers dumbasses and ridicules them, they would look so stupid. so if it were on tv less idiot would go to court for any old excuse.
Yes, if they consider it "winning" then they are obviously aware that the payout greatly out weighs any suffering. Ask the average large woman if she would take a tumble of a foot and a half tall office chair onto a carpeted floor for a £5,000 pay out, most of them would back flip off of a step ladder for £5,000. its insane, pure madness.
jlebrech posted on Jul 15 2003 said:
They should televise these stupid trials cos itll make the accusers dumbasses and ridicules them, they would look so stupid. so if it were on tv less idiot would go to court for any old excuse.
Wow what a great idea i normaly hate reality TV (except Judge Judy and Sex Court) it would be so funny to see people making these stupid claims and getting grilled on TV......
" So Mrs Smith how much do you weigh?"
"Errr eighteen stone"
" And you realise your buttocks are 8 inches over the regulation width to use a class 5 office chair?"
"No your honour, im sorry, Mc Donalds made me eat all that lovley food, i hear they put heroin in it to make me adicted, im sueing them for it next week"
"Christ woman! ,are you a menataly impared?"
"No but i did suffer mental anguish when the vending machine gave me Deit Coke instead of hot chocolate"
"Oh god! im sory Mrs Smith, and judge in your favour..... here have £50,000."
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Thats almost as bad as when that one old lady sued some company for a few million cause she threw out her back trying to open one of the jars by a company....she won..
NightStar posted on Jul 14 2003 said:
Could I sue the pub for when I get ratted, and then fall over outside and hurt myself?

Can I do the amusement ride that makes me sick?
Yes and yes. The amusement park thing has been done, and most clubs don't go a month without a drunk driver suing the club over their lost license.

Several years back, I was poking around a department store when I found a "Red-Eye Remover" pen. It was basically a black marker that you could use to color in the red eyes on photographs. It was $3.95.

Nowhere on the package did it say "For photographs only! Do not use in actual eyes!"

I figured for less than 4 bucks and the use of one eye, I could have a multi-million dollar settlement and never work again. "But your honor, it didn't say NOT to stick the pen into my eye socket! It said it would remove the red, and my eye was really bloodshot! It was 50 cents cheaper than Visine! Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!"

I decided against it, but it took some serious consideration. Thank god I wasn't drunk, or I probably would have done it.

It is tempting. Huge piles of free money, and all you have to do is be stupider than a sack of hammers.
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Well, if one industry does deserve to get sued, it's the fast food industry... I can understand why people want to sue them, after all look at how fast food is advertised. Basically advertised towards children to get them hooked for life, and the ingredients in fast food are the type that can be very addictive (and comforting)..

But that's the fast food industry.. they're just scum at the end of the day!!!

The reason that people are willing to sue anything now is that (especially in the UK) we live under a nanny state. People expect to get everything given to them now so why bother working when you can sue someone for falling over a loose stone? We now live in a society where people are rewarded with huge amount of money for having to do very little work for it (lottery, pop idol etc). Everybody wants that now..... I WANT IT!!!!! :lol:
I don't mind so much when a multimillion business like McDonalds gets sued but in the same principle as when a small business gets sued for a simple mistake it can bankrupt them. This is totally wrong.

Ground of Sexual discrimination or "bullying" can be the worst. Now we can all get sued for feeling a bit randy and trying our luck.

I remember a case of a 19 year old girl being "forced" to where a revealing uniform in her waitressing job. errrr.... just quit if it means that much. Your going to expect to where tight skirts if you a waitress.

It's like a midwife suing for getting pissed in the face.
Just going even more slightly off-topic here, how about some of those funny warning labels:

On Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping.

On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase nesessary. Details inside.

On a bar of Dial soap: Directions: Use like regular soap.

On some Swanson frozen dinners: Serving suggestion: Defrost.

On a hotel provided shower cap in a box: Fits one head.

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert:(printed on bottom of the box) Do not turn upside down.

On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: Product will be hot after heating.

On packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body.

On Boot's Children's cough [ spam word ]: Do not drive car or operate machinery.

On Nytol sleep aid: Warning: may cause drowsiness.

On a Korean kitchen knife: Warning keep out of children.

On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only.

On a Japanese food processor: Not to be used for the other use.

On Sainsbury's peanuts: Warning: contains nuts.

On an American Airlines packet of nuts: Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.

On a Swedish chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.

On a childs superman costume: Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.


Oh how I wish some of those were NOT on the products, as I'd love to get some free cash... I suppose stopping a chainsaw for a few hundred grand, or so, would be worth it??? No????
moora101 posted on Jul 15 2003 said:
Well, if one industry does deserve to get sued, it's the fast food industry... I can understand why people want to sue them, after all look at how fast food is advertised. Basically advertised towards children to get them hooked for life, and the ingredients in fast food are the type that can be very addictive (and comforting)..

But that's the fast food industry.. they're just scum at the end of the day!!!

The reason that people are willing to sue anything now is that (especially in the UK) we live under a nanny state. People expect to get everything given to them now so why bother working when you can sue someone for falling over a loose stone? We now live in a society where people are rewarded with huge amount of money for having to do very little work for it (lottery, pop idol etc). Everybody wants that now..... I WANT IT!!!!! :lol:
No, No, No, No,NO! people don't have to do anything they don't want to, and parents don't have to let their kids do anything they don't want them to do.
Fast food industries simply offer an option of food. There are plenty other things people can eat but it seems unfair to remove an entire flavour from the human races' option of food just to please some fat man/woman who is to week minded to sit up and realise that it is their problem, not ronald macdonalds voice being planted in their heads. What about all those people who willingly choose to eat such foods?

Of course they do go out of their way to horde huge amounts of money and they do target weak minded fools, but who doesn't, everybody is naturally programmed to beat other people and compete, so if a group of people decide suddenly to stick a few million giant yellow "M" logo's all over the place to do this then may the best man win.

As for companies who try to help people get free cash, then there are only to plausible explanations;

1. Con artists.
2. Aliens.
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It does not matter how intelligent people are ( Judges, Professors, Mathematicians ). They still do stupid things no matter how brainy they are.
What they benefit in intelligents, They lack in common sense.

Intelligents should not be confused with common sense.

Just my 2p

Twimfy posted on Jul 19 2003 said:
Fast food industries simply offer an option of food. There are plenty other things people can eat but it seems unfair to remove an entire flavour from the human races' option of food just to please some fat man/woman who is to week minded to sit up and realise that it is their problem, not ronald macdonalds voice being planted in their heads. What about all those people who willingly choose to eat such foods?
well I just read a book called fast food nation and it goes in depth into the fast food industry of america, it highlights the tactics used by the companies to get ppl into their 'restaurants' and therefore ensuring they have customers for life

yes, its a joke that ppl who are very overweight are suing the chains, citing they thought it was healthy, but the chains do target ppl with delicious looking supposedly healthy food

it seems a lot of ppl who posted to this thread, would make great business owners, a hard attitute towards those who claim for injuries, I agree there are frivilous claims, for compensation but how many cases get rejected, to those that win.

what about ppl who are injured through no fault of their own and it being a company to blame, ppl need a route to be compensated for injuries received but some regulation in the industry would be nice :)
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Oh yeah I agree that they advertise their food as healthy, as do manufacturers of flavoured sugar free spring water (which in a case a few years ago was found to contain six sugar cubes in each bottle they made.) But surely its a bout time people sat up and realised that everyone is trying to screw every one else.

There's no circle of life as described in disney's much acclaimed 'The lion king" it's a circle of screwdom, and its been happening so long now why don't people realise?

Of course those who sue, will probably be joining the screw hall of fame, but what about these stupid people who still keep on going for their daily big mac which some phony T.V doctor has expressed as "garunteed to save your life"?

This world is buggered, thats all I can say.