</i>Build instructions for Fast Boot cramfs image
Follow this guide to create a custom cramfs image for your gp2x.
A GNU/Linux host, with cramfs support and mkcramfs.
The "$" indicates what to type at the command prompt.
1. Download and extract the latest release of gp2x-cramfs from
2. $ su -c "mkdir /mnt/cramfs"
3. $ su -c "mount -o loop -t cramfs cramfs-${VERSION}.dump /mnt/cramfs"
4. $ su -c "cp -a /mnt/cramfs mycramfs"
5. $ su -c "umount /mnt/cramfs"
6. $ su -c "chown -R yourname:yourname mycramfs"
7. Make your changes to the mycramfs directory.
8. $ su -c "chown -R root:root mycramfs"
9. $ su -c "mkcramfs mycramfs mycramfs.dump"
10. Copy mycramfs.dump to your SD card, and follow the instructions
in README.txt, using "mycramfs.dump" instead of