Fallout 4 exists..


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Great news afaic.. especially after the recent hoax that was doing the rounds.

I'd be very surprised if Bethesda doesn't make some kind of official announcement soon, now this info has 'leaked'

As much as I enjoy TES games, I always feel more at home in Fallout's dystopian playgrounds..
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I'm playing Wasteland right now, What a satisfying game! it has nostalgia factor and its still fun to play today.

I got to the sewers back in the day on my c64 but now I'm starting over on dosbox on the pandy. Once you get automatic weapons and decent armor thats when the game gets fun.

Games like Wasteland, Ultima 4,5,6 Alternate Reality  etc back in those times just seemed so real it was like you were really playing in a living world. I miss that.
I am looking forward to Wasteland 2. 

Fallout 3 was a good game, but for me it was not real Fallout. I always hated RPG`s from first person perspective.

Fallout 2 is still the best Fallout for me <3