Failed Ports/Compilations [ Learning ]

On topic:

I never succeeded on building a D crosscompiler. Luckily MH-T did it though.

I can't wait to play those other abstract shooters on the pandora like torus trooper.
Oooh, is that publicly available? I would love to have a working D compiler and libs for the Pandora (only really need standard libs and SDL with D bindings)
I have a new failed port, Pacifi3d. The game have some graphic issues. Using mesa instead of libGL doesn't improve any of those (and obviously LibGL is better performance wise).

I'm quitting on this one, not because of the glitches but because of the performance. I know that glitches can be fixed or workaround them, but I'm no that confident on getting enough speed out of this.

You can see in the screenshots some of the glitches such as  pacman and ghosts not being displayed.

If there is anyone brave and motivated enough to give this a shot please don't be shy and do it.



I'm quitting on this one, not because of the glitches but because of the performance. I know that glitches can be fixed or workaround them, but I'm no that confident on getting enough speed out of this.
On what Model did you try it ? 1Ghz or older ones? 

How much FPS do you get currently ? 