
Is this that different to the existing paper advertising industry, or even the pre-facebook web advertising industry? Check out the adverts in say the Guardian versus the daily mail or the financial times; radically different, targetting differently gendered, differently wealthy and differently biased readers. And in the pre-facebook web, theregister used to show me adverts for security software and servers (although they changed that a few years ago to require scripting to show, so they've disappeared for me) and game websites used to show game adverts.

And regarding the focus of the linked article, I don't see why political parties should be stopped from making use of the same functionality as everyone else on facebook.

I mean I personally try to react against adverts to try to stop them affecting my purchasing options, but there's always the simple problem of familiarity - if you're familiar with a brand, you're more likely to consider it when making choices.
@levi Your point is a good one, but there is a very important difference: choice. I can buy a right-wing tabloid, and I can buy a left-wing paper, and I can see/evaluate the differences.

Facebook is a walled garden where you're surrounded by what other parties (political or not) believe you would be most affected by in a way that benefits them most. On the users side there is no active choice they are making, but a passive (almost) subconscious suggestion to what they "should" be thinking.

In other words, it's encouraging users to become passive "npcs" whose decisions and thoughts are being carefully and selectively engineered for them.

Plus I have strong feelings against what they are assuming an "over 45 male" to be like.
@levi On the users side there is no active choice they are making, but a passive (almost) subconscious suggestion to what they "should" be thinking.

Actually there is an "active" choice, even if limited, you can choose to not see again that advertising because reason... you'll get another in substitution still with their parameters, and you still can choose to not see that again, and so on... I suppose that at some point they will finish the alternative to show xD
This may be a controversial opinion, but I actually believe social media would be better with all politics banned.

One of the reasons I left FB was one of my friends turned out to be quite an egregious racist. I don't want to be part of that by any association and the choice I made was to leave.

I really don't care for politics, and I don't care for the politics of people I know. Take it out and you can talk about any other interest free from prejudice or subtext. Like this forum, at least in the main topic areas, it is confined to discussion about games, Pyra and other related issues. In those contexts of conversation, it doesn't matter what my political, social, ethnic, or economic background is.
Trouble is even in threads where we've said 'no politics' here, your political statement might just seem the natural order of things to someone else. Like your racist friend, probably thinks he's not being that outrageous, and if he was aware his opinions weren't mainstream, he'd assume he was right and everyone else was blinkered.