Extraterrestres Updated


Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
Mar 18, 2004
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-Sound now works correctly in firmware 1.4
-Fixed a couple minor bugs

To Do:
-Give user complete volume control
-Fix graphical glitches

You can find the latest version HERE

Please post any problems you encounter, and, as always, I would love to hear what you think about the game.

sound is much improved. i always turned it off before because it was so loud and fast and i didnt realize it was because of fw 1.4 problems. ive been playing with the sound on and appreciate the game even more. nice sound effects and music.

plus i still love that there are 2 modes. story gives us a tangible goal to beat and a gradual increase in challenge. arcade gives us unlimited gameplay in always trying the beat your high score and a quick increase in difficulty and a very intense experience.

i think ive been playing better with the sound on now that its fixed. i beat story mode again and unlike the first time i didnt have to retry a million times before achiveing that.
also i got a better high score in arcade mode:

Thanks for the feeback! Yes, the sound problems were only on firmware 1.4 and they had to do with the older version of paeryn's libs that I was compiling with. I didn't plan on updating the game for quite awhile but after upgrading to theoddbots modified 1.4 firmware, I realized that the game had sound problems in firmware 1.4 and decided that I should fix that as quickly as possible.

If I get time I will look into the graphical problems and volume control (I originally had it in the code, but it didn't work properly and I'm not sure why).

I think that the last level eats small children.
:huh: ...is that a good thing?

jbrodack posted on Mar 25 2006 at 01:13 AM said:
Has anyone gotten higher than this?
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My father used to download CD images on dial-up. Chin up, 30 minutes isn't that long. Play some Nethack while you wait.

Quiest posted on Mar 25 2006 at 10:00 AM said:
I`d really like to try the game, but over 8mb? I would need 30mins to download it :(
Sorry about the size, but I don't think there is much I can do about it. When I recompiled with paeryn's new libs, I downloaded a package containing a complete developers setup for windows, and the executable size jumped from about 3MB to 5MB :o . I also have about 65 .png's, 7 .wav music loops, and 4 .wav sound effects. I tried to convert the .wav files to .ogg but for some reason it wouldn't work properly, I'm not sure if it was a problem in the conversion process or in my code :unsure:
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