External Hard Drives

ricki said:
I assume that the Pandora will not be able to read NTFS-Formated drives out of the box, if ever!?

Since windows doesn't allow devices with larger capacity than... i think 32gb was the artificial limit... to be formated FAT32 someone may stumble over this. Or has that been changed with windows vista or 7?
Anyway, your Pandora should be able to format any device FAT32 up to 8Tb.

actually ntfs-3g shows in the angstrom repo so it's very likely the Pandora could mount NTFS formatted drives even in write mode. if it's installed out of the box I'm not sure.
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Mjlink said:
So I've got a 500gb Adata Nobility, I can plug and go to the Pandora regarding backup?

Will the OS have any backup features?

Peace & legal cannabis,


Why would you need backup features, ever heard of copy and paste?
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WizardStan said:
ricki said:
I assume that the Pandora will not be able to read NTFS-Formated drives out of the box, if ever!?
What makes you assume that?
My inexperience. Thats why I'm asking ;)

WizardStan said:
NTFS read-only drivers have been part of the Linux kernel since 2.4, with write support added (experimentally, but I've never heard of a problem) as of 2.6.
OK :)

WizardStan said:
ricki said:
Since windows doesn't allow devices with larger capacity than... i think 32gb was the artificial limit... to be formated FAT32 someone may stumble over this.
My 200GB FAT32 Win2k partition disagrees with you :P
Oh, well...

s/windows doesn't/windows own format tools doesn't/
Just one of 1000+ descriptions of how to format partitions >32gb under windows 2k/xp
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lulzfish said:
clippa said:
Ooh, so I'll just be able to plug in my 500gb seegate freeagent go, that only needs 500ma. That's good news, I was under the impression that all hard drives would need their own power source. That will be handy for backup.
All hard drives do need a power source.
The thing is, most full-size laptops and desktops have loads of extra power, so you just plug in a 2nd USB and use that for extra power.

The Pandora has a smaller battery and only 1 USB port, so you need either a low-power device (flash drive) or an external power source like an AC adapter or some kind of external USB battery.

And it should work with any capacity of hard drive up through several terabytes, or whatever USB Mass Storage supports.
Some of the 2.5 drives run off 500mA. freeagent go is a 2.5 drive.
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