craigix said:
I'd rather watch a Russell T. 'Davies' Dickhead episode of Doctor Who!
That figures, no taste whatsoever :huh:
Well at the end of the contest, the UK came last but one, Ireland LMAO. But even the winning entry was pretty dire.
I remember when the Eurovision song contest had some pretty good stuff going on, but now it's pretty bad. Our UK entry was a record I would gladly melt on my gas cooker. Even I have better efforts than that, and I reckon I should put forward one of my old tracks for next years contest

Oh well, D:Ream said "Things can only get better" From here on it will, until next year of course

I agree whole heartedly with Craig's taste in Dr Who. Russell T Davies is a retard with an IQ officially quoted as being 3. I bet he writes in scripts in "txt spk/tlk" and I have never watched such crap ever before. I dont know how to describe how terrible I think his scripts are.
Draken said:
Speaking of which, am I the only one who prefers Christopher Eccleton over David Tennant?
You aren't the only one. Chris was much better than Dave.