Eurovision Thread

craigix said:
WarmFluffyUK said:
craigix said:
I'd rather watch a Russell T. 'Davies' Dickhead episode of Doctor Who!
That figures, no taste whatsoever :huh:

Steven Moffat any day!

He did write one of the most alluring episodes "The Girl in the Fireplace" which he was nominated a Nebula Award.
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If only Steven Moffat was the main writer... still we have one more ep from him very soon, can't wait.

On a slightly related note i'd love Dexter Fletcher to make an appearence in Doctor Who.
Seems like we got zerged by east europe :huh:

And i gotta say Turkey got pretty far considering how ridiculous their guy was. I wonder who picked that tracksuit for him :unsure:
Draken said:
Speaking of which, am I the only one who prefers Christopher Eccleton over David Tennant?
After series 5 you will be saying the same in retrospect to Tennant. But It's always a Doctor Who tradition to say "Ohh I prefer the old one!"

Myself I like Tennant. Way better looking, more believable as an alien.

craigix said:
On a slightly related note i'd love Dexter Fletcher to make an appearence in Doctor Who.
I would love to see Zach Braff in an episode myself.....
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Bloody Serbians won. I mean, come on. What contest were these countries watching. Ukraine should have won just for the sheer audasity of it all.

I've only ever managed to correctly pick one winner and that was Lordi last year. This year, I was going with Finland, Hungary and Germany as I preferred them more. But only Hungary got a decent amount of votes.

I loved Terry Wogan's commentary though as it made up for some poor singing. His "we should just build a wall around the eastern block" was brilliant. I think they should do an eastern and western european eurovision and then the two winners face off and get votes from a panel of judges. That would sort out all tha neighbourly voting.

Oh and Scooch were awful. Blonde girl was off key and the whole thing was cringe-worthy. I mean holding up a bottle that says buck fast as a way for a drink? None of the other countries would get it.
WarmFluffyUK said:
craigix said:
I'd rather watch a Russell T. 'Davies' Dickhead episode of Doctor Who!
That figures, no taste whatsoever :huh:

Well at the end of the contest, the UK came last but one, Ireland LMAO. But even the winning entry was pretty dire.

I remember when the Eurovision song contest had some pretty good stuff going on, but now it's pretty bad. Our UK entry was a record I would gladly melt on my gas cooker. Even I have better efforts than that, and I reckon I should put forward one of my old tracks for next years contest :).

Oh well, D:Ream said "Things can only get better" From here on it will, until next year of course :D.

I agree whole heartedly with Craig's taste in Dr Who. Russell T Davies is a retard with an IQ officially quoted as being 3. I bet he writes in scripts in "txt spk/tlk" and I have never watched such crap ever before. I dont know how to describe how terrible I think his scripts are.

Draken said:
Speaking of which, am I the only one who prefers Christopher Eccleton over David Tennant?
You aren't the only one. Chris was much better than Dave.
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Goity said:
Why is Germany singing about Angela Merkel?
No, Cicero sang about Woman rule the World -WOMAN! ;)
Only Rolling Stones sang about "Angie" - That's more than enough! XD

I liked our Act. Sadly, nobody else XD Damn, There has to be a radical Change in the Voting system so East-European Countries can't give each other so much Points anymore. No West European Country is under the Top 15, exept Greece I had heared. Aww..... Ok, many Acts where just Crap and the Eastern connection had some good Singers.
Who saw the (East)Eurovision Song Contest, do you find, (for example) the german Swing of Cicero was really this bad? Well, I don't care much about this Song, I know Roger Cicero had NO chance even, when he was hyped so much here (like "Texas Lightning" last year) and I don't care about the Contest but I want to know if people vote good Songs or really just vote their favourite Friend-Countries ( so I think we germans never win this Contest again :lol: ).

craigix said:
Why ISN'T germany singing about Hitler?
Because Hilter was Austrian and today only In GB a famous, Star :P !!!
Sadly, the only thing that going through british peoples Mind when they thinking on Germany is Hilter. What do you people learn in school? German History was a little bit more than 1933-1945 :lol:

Besides, The brithish Song this Year was not that great I have to say ( Reactivate Johnny Logan! ). But Thanx for the 1 Point for germany from the Island. :) Maybe there is hope for more Next Year. :lol:

I had voted only 2006 3x - and my favs won! Lordi 4ever :)
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Ganepark32 said:
Bloody Serbians won. I mean, come on. What contest were these countries watching. Ukraine should have won just for the sheer audasity of it all.


I loved Terry Wogan's commentary though as it made up for some poor singing. His "we should just build a wall around the eastern block" was brilliant. I think they should do an eastern and western european eurovision and then the two winners face off and get votes from a panel of judges. That would sort out all tha neighbourly voting.
why get the western european countries not enough votes to win the contest ??? the answer is easy: there are not enough states!!!! the solution is even perhaps more easy: just do that ,the balkan states have done before. a little bit of civil war here and some genocides there and finally every village gets autonomy and the right to vote for the neighbor village on the european song contest. i think it is enough time for england to win the next contest: just ask for independence from the united kingdom and maybe wales and scottland give 12 points!!! try to manage this without war, because the present un missions are expensive enough!! ;) good luck!!!! :D
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fusion_power said:
Because Hilter was Austrian and today only In GB a famous, Star :P !!!
Sadly, the only thing that going through british peoples Mind when they thinking on Germany is Hilter. What do you people learn in school? German History was a little bit more than 1933-1945 :lol:
That's right! There's also 1914-1918! :P
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But in british schools, one only learns about German history between 1933 and 1945. I've asked why it's like this and its just that they believe it to be the most interesting years. Plus, y'all don't learn about British history, such as the battle of culloden or such (although Culloden was scottish only. No english soldiers.) I think history lessons shoul dbe more open with better opportunities to learn about other countries histories. Personally, I'd like to learn about the american slave trade and the history behind that.

And back to the eurovision talk. I would say this year was pretty bad for the music. Apart from 4 or 5 acts it was terrible. The presentation of it was just awful. And the thing after all the acts had finished was terrible as it in no way represents proper finnish culture. The saving graces in terms of music were 'Leave Me Alone' the finnish entry, 'Unsubstantial Blues' the hungarian entry, that german song, and the sweidh song was alrite. I do believe Ukraine should have won though. Serbia's song was terrible. Its was described as a powerful ballad. Personally, it just sounded like white noise; incomprehensible and dull with no moving sections that made the audience or those listening to get a real feel for the music. I listen to lots of music. I mean loads. And some of the stuff from last night tops some of the worst stuff ive ever heard
Ravnos said:
fusion_power said:
Because Hilter was Austrian and today only In GB a famous, Star :P !!!
Sadly, the only thing that going through british peoples Mind when they thinking on Germany is Hilter. What do you people learn in school? German History was a little bit more than 1933-1945 :lol:
That's right! There's also 1914-1918! :P

Of course! :lol:

Uh, I hope, next year the old, western Song-contest Nations have a better ranking all of them. Sure, we need good Acts for this and I don't know what we have to do, to beat the Baltic-Connection - Maybe we all have to sing in east European languages next Year? ^^
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They had Scooch on Breakfast this morning and they blamed political voting for their humiliating defeat :D.
Spare a thought for poor old Australia -

1. We're not in Eurovision so we don't even get Scooch-type moments.
2. The show is broadcast ten hours later (on our Sunday night), so we have to spend the day avoiding the news headlines on the internet in case they reveal the winner!