need some help and info. I have GP32, GP cinema etc..! I use smart card reader to transfe files...
I dont like to boot GP32, then free loader then the progs etc.. as this takes time. I wanted to know IF i could do way with free loader, as every time i want to refresh my card, i have to use pc link to install free loader.. then use this to run the progs.
I know the euro firmware does away with the boot loader.. but can i use multi firmware as a better option.
Whats peoples perception on this topic..?
need some help and info. I have GP32, GP cinema etc..! I use smart card reader to transfe files...
I dont like to boot GP32, then free loader then the progs etc.. as this takes time. I wanted to know IF i could do way with free loader, as every time i want to refresh my card, i have to use pc link to install free loader.. then use this to run the progs.
I know the euro firmware does away with the boot loader.. but can i use multi firmware as a better option.
Whats peoples perception on this topic..?