Escape From Minos (gp2x, Pc) Is Out!


Still Fresh
Jan 14, 2009
Computeremuzone has released a new game for GP2X: "Escape From Minos".


You can get it, and read all information in this page:

The game crashes on my F-200 when getting into the labyrinth :(

It also crashes when I watch the intro to the end.

It seems to be sound related, as always with the F-200...

Bye, Sam
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Works on my F-200 with FW 4.1.1; the problem could be the sound frequency incompatibility in FW 4.0.0.

The visuals and sound effects are very nice, and it's nice to see a lot of variations in the labyrinth. :D

It gets frustrating and dizzying though when the maze becomes really big (like in labyrinth 28). To me, the more fun and challenging labyrinths are the smaller ones as the minotaur is close by, unlike the big ones where it hardly ever gets near you.

The text in the Controls menu seems to be wrong. It lists Select as the pause button, while the Start as the quit button.

My current high score wasn't saved because my batteries died while I was still playing. I was at labyrinth 33 with 5 treasures and 34 diamonds. :(

Anyway, thanks for this game. :)
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i use 4.0.0 on my f200 (cause its best with touchscreen and gmenu autorun) and had no problems running this.

as far as the game itself I generally like it though have some issues with level progression like Manjuu does. making it out alive seems to get easier with each maze instead of harder though at later levels it can take a while to find the exit since the mazes get much bigger. it would be nice if the mazes got bigger at a much slower pace and added additional monsters along with the increased size. the way it is now there is no real tension in making it through the later mazes.

i love the look of the game and random maze kinda games are always cool to come back to so I hope you tweak it a bit so it stays exciting throughout
My rechargeable batteries seem not to be rechargeable any more :(

I think it is why the game crashed yesterday...

Or it could mean my GP2X is dying :eek:

Bye, Magic Sam
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Awesome! Can't wait to try this out! Got it downloaded need to put it on the GP2X at home later! :D
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'Manjuu' said:
The text in the Controls menu seems to be wrong. It lists Select as the pause button, while the Start as the quit button.
:blush: Oops. I can't believe I get this bug.
I'll take a look later.

@Magic Sam: I can't try it in F-200. But it must work. I don't know what's the problem, sorry. :(

Thanks to all. Next game will be better. ;)
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'saboteur2' said:
@Magic Sam: I can't try it in F-200. But it must work. I don't know what's the problem, sorry. :(
Don't worry about this any more, the game is working now :) I don't really know what the problem was though...
Your game is great, I like the graphics, the gameplay is a bit difficult on the F-200, and I'm scared to death by the Minotaur :)
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Finally got it installed and played it. Man what an awesome game. Need to get used to the controls as I do get a bit disorientated with this isometric layout. I think it's really my age. :unsure:
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Excellent little game, lots of tension. :D I found the controls a little difficult too, but maybe like Tag5 my head just doesn't do isometric that well. But I'll persevere, because it's fun. Thanks. :)
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Very well made game, great graphics too. I found the controls difficult at first, but you get used to them after a couple of plays.

You can really feel the tension when you see the minotaur closing in :)
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