Ah that might be the problem, I am using windows 98. I am looking to upgrade to windows XP but the disk i have if glitchy in some way and just freezes. Still, i'm not sking for sloutions or causes, just someone to send the smc to, if they would like to help.ColinR posted on Mar 6 2004 at 12:27 AM said:Win98 doesn't support USB either but...
Win98SE does. This is where it gets messy. If you have motherboard mounted usb ports, there is a possibility they are screwed if you bought your PC at around this time. USB 1.0 wasn't up to the job so they created USB1.1. Unfortunately, some motherboard manufacturers had already created some USB1.0 motherboards and sold them (I have one here).
Note that Windows 98 is no longer supported by Microsoft anyway, so you ought to look into upgrading that machine. Stuff as much ram in it as you can afford, and upgrade the operating system to XP. Then drop in a USB add in card, wait for the drivers to load and you're all set to upload stuff onto your Gamepark, and you have access to all sorts of other usb goodness (joysticks with more buttons than you have fingers, digital cameras, and printers that are cheaper than their cartridges!)
and i am sure the usb's are in working order (my friend, who is a computer technician magaged to easily put some roms and a emulator on it. this was just a test, and he didn't put anything great onto it. I have three games. azcat, gpdoom, and a old snes emulator. I will format for a clean slate) Why can't i just use him i here you hark?
he's in University, and i won't see him properly for a year.
Anyway, all of that is irelevent, and just to prove it isn't a faulty smc.
I bought it all from with multifirmware, and the cd with lots of roms.
When trying to open the pc link host, it can't open usb ports. you need to open the pc link host for it to recognise the gp32 and download the firmware.
Any way off topic!
Just PM.
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