I've been using the GP32 for a while now and although i have the system fairly sussed I was wondering if anyone has come across a solution to the Movie encoding problem yet.
I've read the the thread a couple back from this one but there hasn't been an update recently and instead of just bumping that one I thought I'd start a new one so as not to get embroiled in the google usage arguement, which incidentally I do know how to use, and to stay more on topic.
I've got a fair bit of experience on the Mac, just none in the video side, so maybe if there's not an answer yet we could do a bit of knowledge sharing and see if we can work it out between us.
Oh, incidentally, I'm on OS 10.3 but I have access to OS 9 machines and as I'm at work I've got a lot of software, Quicktime Pro for example, I haven't got access to Final Cut. If we could try and get an answer natively that would be great to. Although I could possibly get hold of a copy of virtual PC the thought of spending £100 on a poor application that I'll only use for this doesn't particularly appeal.
I've read the the thread a couple back from this one but there hasn't been an update recently and instead of just bumping that one I thought I'd start a new one so as not to get embroiled in the google usage arguement, which incidentally I do know how to use, and to stay more on topic.
I've got a fair bit of experience on the Mac, just none in the video side, so maybe if there's not an answer yet we could do a bit of knowledge sharing and see if we can work it out between us.
Oh, incidentally, I'm on OS 10.3 but I have access to OS 9 machines and as I'm at work I've got a lot of software, Quicktime Pro for example, I haven't got access to Final Cut. If we could try and get an answer natively that would be great to. Although I could possibly get hold of a copy of virtual PC the thought of spending £100 on a poor application that I'll only use for this doesn't particularly appeal.