Encoding .gpm files?

Don't think so, I think we're all presuming that this version of Pc-link is beta and in time the answers will come. Gamepark and JoyGP must be without a doubt the most mysterious companies in the world. I bet the CIA don't even know how to encode .gpm files, and couldn't find out if they wanted to. :lol:
Toris looked into it, it appears that you only have to encode a normal DivX and change the header of it using a hexeditor. Ask in #gp32 for more details, or PM toris, as I don't know myself.
Yeh, I managed to get one playing, albeit the video was off the top of the screen, and the sound was nothing but clicks. But, it definately is just DivX video with some kind of header.
It's also possible to do it in reverse, I managed to get the gpm back to avi, this way seemed to have less corruption, it played in virtualdub fairly well.
But, I'm not sure how to get it to run flawlessly, and at the moment I'm spending more time coding, so I haven't got much time to look into it :)
this the transalation, and it's japaneese text ;)

To beginning
The GPM is the tool in order to play back the animated picture * audio file of the MPEG, the AVI and the MP3 et cetera.
It draws up the playback list, it is possible consecutively to play back.
Refresh rate can be modified.
It can skip the cm quickly with skip function.

It reads the data of the Giga Pocket, the video capsule and it is produced to play back the play list.
The Giga Pocket has done operation verification with version 4.
With version the other than that it is lack of confirmation.

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