Enable Sound In Gngeo2x.

You have to edit the config file to get sound while retaining the 200mhz clockspeed (which is all you need for most games--everything I play on it). Open the file in the 'conf' folder with Wordpad, and find the place that says 'sound false.' Obviously, you want to change that to true, and sound will be enabled at 200mhz.

I don't know if the gngeo frontend, Rage2x, makes this easier or not.. never used it.
IN Rage2X you can go into a menu screen by pushing the "select" button while in the main menu. There you can activate sound and choose 11025hz or 22050hz.
Just perss A and Y in GnGeo's menu and it should switch between sound on/of, and different clockspeed

I always play with sound, 266mhz and 11025khz, that's good for any game ;)

BTW, does somebody know what the option --r means?

(and BTW-bis, just read the readmes and you won't have to post and wait for a response ;) )