Emuman Has New Game Wip! -xigon 1-


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2004
Hey hey peeps..
Emuman here yet again. http://home.rochester.rr.com/emumanweb/xigon1.fxe
I was eating a steak when I got a great idea for a game AND ! for how to make the gfx look cool (as i cant draw well~~~ BUT I AM awsome in 3D Studio and Lightware 7).. So I went about creating a spaceship (made one like Startrek hehe I might make a totaly new one if people think it's not cool enough) Then I made a 3D astroid and finaly went nutz on making a 1000 tile floating background with 3D starfields.... (took me about 7 hours to do everything).. also would it be over board to make all the animations like 30 frames :)) super smooth :)

NOW the thing I want from all you GP32 peeps is some feed back on what KIND of game this should turn into. EG: normal shooter, an Evade the *blah*, or ????

I have had the idea to make it a mix of Evade the walls. shoot the astroids and collect some *blah*. but The detail in the tiles sets is so high it may turn into a VERY large file set.

WELL TRY it out and see who you like whats on offer so far and think of the coolest game play to go with it...

I'll read the posts soon as I see some :)


Think of this as gamer pertisipation.

Well after reading the posts and chating IRC with a few peeps. I have made some changes to the way Xigon looks and feels so far. SMALLER ship.. Smaller astroid. complete change in level gfx and design. .. I think this game will take some what longer to make as I want it to be very very cool. Expect this to be one of the old school super shooters. with a few extras thrown in (hope my coding skills are up for the challange)
Update is on my web page if you want to see it :)

Again I have done more work on the gfx parts and iam trying to work on the AI. ( A.I. not in the WIP demo yet).
update is linked above and on my web pages..
remember to READ the readme.txt

NEW UPDATE as of 02/07/04
all new sound system , enemy AI working. One enemy sprite done 30 frames of animation. pattern pathing for AI.
Download it today for a look :)

TINY TWEAK .. it now looks like there are 6 enemies all following after each other on a set path:) looks like Xenon 2 :)
Now for better sprites for the bad guys :)

: Emuman :
Ok, here's my extensive input on this project:

I really think you should try to go for a full-blown, traditional vertical shooter. Too many of the free shooters on GP32 are "avoid this" or "collect these", and the ones that are more traditional lack major polish such as enemy patterns, power-ups, and distinguishable levels. As far as I can tell, you're a damned fast coder (which is awesome), so I really think you should go for a -real- shooter.

Also, I really suggest you make a new ship, and if you're going to make a trad. shooter, make it smaller. Shooters with ships too big leave you way too vulnerable, which always gets really frustrating. In my opinion, you should scrap the 3D-rendered graphics as a whole. I always thought they looked cheesy, going all the way back to when everyone thought Donkey Kong Country looked awesome. I'd be willing to help with 2D graphics. I consider myself to be a really good artist (not my ego, trust me), and while I've never done extensive pixel graphics, I doubt it could be that hard at all.

Judging from your coding skills and speed, this could turn out to be a really great game. :D
Well, put it like this. I'd pay you for a Tyrian clone (or at least style) thing. Or more importantly, the datacube+upgrade system (i.e. story was collected in the levels in glowing boxes that were supposed to link the levels together, but more importantly, points could be used to buy new weapons or upgrades of existing ones - of which there were many - between levels).

So if you want my money, go with that :) - otherwise, you could always do a tech demo of avoid the walls or something - you could even turn it into a random walls thing, with texture applied over the top (think falldown with guns and more fluid obstacles). Which could be quite fun.

Or make something entirely original - like a shooter combined with tetris (you'd have to pick up the pieces you wanted from destroyed enemies and have a computer position them or something. Or position them by flying your ship AT THE SAME TIME as avoiding walls. That would be tough, methinks, though. But fun). You'll come up with something though...
As you mentioned the steak part, I imagined a flying steak with cartoon eyes shooting carrots at evil vegetable men.... :blink:

I need to sleep :lol:
i agree with IntenseWage. Id go for an immense classic vertical shooter. that would b suberb. especially with graphics like ur workin on now! :D amazin work btw. ur churning out quality stuff B)
How bout a nice Marz Matrix clone or Ikaruga (shoot this and avoide at the same time!)

I think you'd get a good response from any of the artistically inclined people in the community if you really wanted it.
I have some ideas for an original shootemup... basically stealing ideas from lots of different games and some new ideas

firstly, I agree you should make the ship smaller - big is cumbersome

So, make the bulk of the game a traditional shooter, but have some 'interlude' type rounds where there are certain objectives that are displayed by text across the screen while the craft is flying (like Round 1: destroy all aliens) if you fail the objective you must restart the level until you manage to complete it

game types

1) avoid the narrow passageways - different levels of complexity with different speeds (fast but less dangerous or twisty but slower) maybe have indicators for hard left/ straight ahead etc.

2) shoot the crates and collect the item inside must collect 10/12 or something

3) different types of shootemup stages, one where you're scrolling through scenery (like armalyte) and others where you must clear the screen before proceeding (galaga)

4) Avoid the asteroids

5) fly through hoops

6) choplifter style rescue missions where you have to return the men to base

7) dropping mines to destroy pursuing enemies


why don't you combine a shooter with your jump'n'run engine from andyman?

i mean flying through space with some action shooting and contact with planets, land on them and have a jump'n'run sequence. maybe put up some items you need and travel further to another planet to bring the item and so on....

and yes, you should create your own ships/enemies. startrek is fine, but i think you're creative enough to realize own ideas.

good work
I have not downloaded the demo yet (no batteries) but it looks very interesting indeed. I like Tobriands ideas of being able to spend the points on upgrades in a shop between levels.

I also agree that the ship has to be smaller.
The deeper the game play the better, something more than just a simple shoot or avoid would be extremely well received. Maybe even aplot driven game with story elements revealed between levels.

Not that all of this is going to happen, it's not like he has a bunch of programers in his room to help him but it's nice to dream. :rolleyes:
Or, make it a standard vertical shooter, but you are a steak with cartoon eyes....

I haven't played it yet, but just looking at the screenshots:

Can the ship turn from side to side with the L/R buttons? It would be nice if the side-to-side turning was separated from the moving-ship-around-the-screen; that way you could be moving forward and shooting backward as an enemy approaches behind you! It would add a new level of strategy to the game.

Maybe you could also give the player more of a choice of which path they want to take; for example, if there is an intersection and the player chooses to go right, then maybe the screen could then start scrolling to the right as well, and there could be whole networks of tunnels (all generally moving in the same direction, but some curving a lot more than others, and some "secret" tunnels). The tunnels could have enemies in them, ones that actually shoot at you and look cool. :)

I like the idea about planet stopovers, and some kind of rudimentary story... maybe the stopovers could be just like shops, or something, where you can upgrade your ship, or maybe they can be something more...

Anyway, it looks very good so far. :) You should make the walls fit-in more with the pre-rendered ships, though.
Your game is very good for a home brewed game. I have been searching for days on my computer for a gp32 game that is worth playing, and I think I may of found it. It would be great if you developed this game and came out witha final version with rockets, lasers and other weapons available to the ship in the game. :ph34r: