Emulation Of 8 Bit Computers

Pandora will be great for good old 8 bit computers. I think most emulators that already run on the GP2X will probably be ported quite soon. Zx81 already told he would develop for the Pandora, he will cover a lot of the popular 8 bit computers.

Hopefully there will be more interest to port other more obscure 8 bit computers as well. I am hoping someone will port Mz800em.
It might even be possible to just compile it myself when there is a full blown linux distro available for Pandora.
Last time I tried to compile it on Ubuntu I ran into dependency hell though..
hdonk said:
I've already done the work to get CaPriCe (CPC emulator) working at full speed on the Pandora - Unfortunately I've not managed to get it to run properly on my Beagleboard for proof due to SDL/X11/OpenGL ES conflicts.

Once I've got my Pandora I'll finish off a preliminary version ASAP for people to play with, then I'll work on a nice QT front end and PND integration.

I love you man (in a totally unsexual manner, you understand!) :)
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Hirolaser said:
Are there any other people whose major reason for buying the Pandora is emulation of classic/old computers?

I am very interested in running the classic systems on a hand held computer.
I wonder if anyone is doing a Basilisk II or other 68k Macintosh emulator port?
Basilisk II has an ARM version and was ported to the GP2x.

The DosBox should be ready already.

The older systems are nice too. Would like to try them out.

Some 386 DOS and 030 Mac action on the go would be sweet as these are the systems of my youth.
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Catching up on software and games for old computers (some of which I missed out on at the time) was one of my reasons for buying the Pandora.

I've finally bought a couple of ZX Spectrum (Bear Bovver, and Worse Things Happen At Sea) and C16/Plus 4 (Cops 'n' Robbers) games, to supplement my collection of C64 tapes from when I was younger, so there'll be plenty to be messing around with. I figure I'll pick up more stuff as and when I hear about it around here. (I've also picked up a bunch of Amiga and Atari ST stuff, but that's just by the by, since those aren't 8-bit.)

I'm also interested in getting into the Sharp X68000, but I'm pretty sure that that one doesn't fall under the definition of "8-bit computers" (and having looked over the wiki and such, I'm not sure if anyone's working on that one - if not, I'll see if there's anything out there and try compiling it). :P
Anyone know if there are any good open-source emulators of the TI-99/4A?
VRAndy said:
Anyone know if there are any good open-source emulators of the TI-99/4A?


There you go...
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VRAndy said:
Anyone know if there are any good open-source emulators of the TI-99/4A?

zx-81 has ported an emu of this computer to GP2x and wiz
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skeezix said:
hdonk said:
Once I've got my Pandora I'll finish off a preliminary version ASAP for people to play with, then I'll work on a nice QT front end and PND integration.

"pnd integration"?

PND is essentially a packaging system (more or less), though you may use libpnd for other stuff (setting clockrate, etc.)

But the PND part itself (for pnd-files) is trivial; you package your .bin up into the PND-file, instead of a zip, and done :) tools are i nthe git :)

Well there you go then - a trivial, yet still required step :lol: I guess after all the struggles I've had trying to get everything playing nicely on the Beagleboard, I expect the worse! I'll have a look while the OP team finish off our shiny new little objects of desire B)
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I'm far more looking forward to possible C64, ZX, CPC and MSX emulation than any more modern systems... 3 cheers for 8-bit :)
OMG I'm so exicited. This is exactly what I'm buying a Pandora for.

I only ordered in April of this year, but the suspense is killing me. Reading through this thread is giving me butterflies.

Aaarrggghhhh!!! Where's my Pandora?! ;)

(First post by the way. Ecstatic to be on board. Woohoo!!!).
gp2xs said:
The DosBox should be ready already.

I wonder if any of the old systems have emulators written under DOS but not Linux.

Then you could run the emulator using DOSBox :P
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What about Age of Empires (the original one)? Will that be able to run on the Pandora?