Emulation Multiplayer Topic


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Okay. I had this idea that many emulators on the PC allow netplay, which is an incredible idea, it's just rarely if ever used, especially by me, who I am alone in my circle of friends who either A ) Has a fast enough connection for netplay, or B ) Cares enough to play 'old' games over the internet.

So, for those of you who are like me and would like to connect to people for some Neo Geo or Genesis action Please state:

What OS you have;
What emulators and versions of those emulators you have that have netplay;
What games you will most likely be playing over the net;
When you will most likely be up to playing a netplay game (Time of day, time zone, and days of week)
And some sort of IM connection, so that others can notify you when they want to set up a game.
Although an IP address is usually needed, DON'T POST IT. PM or IM the address to trusted vs. players.

Example (and my info):

OS: Windows 2000
Emus: WinKawaks (Neo Geo) v. 1.54 ; Kega Fusion (Mega Drive, SMS, SCD, and 32X) v. 3.51
Neo Geo games I'll play: Any KOF, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, any Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown 4.
Genesis Games I'll play: Any 2 player genesis game, though Gauntlet 4 should be fun with 4 players.
Times: Most likely from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm Pacific Time on Fridays through Tuesdays; Any time of day on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
YIM: rayek4eq
PM or IM me for IP if needed.

Hope it works!

NES - FCE Ultra

What games you will most likely be playing over the net: Dunno, just ask, and ill play it.

Reasons why I only have those 2 emu's...
PM me for game.
I own them both, my NES doesn't work, My PSX gives me a hard time to close the lid, so I just dont even bother. I plug my PS1 controller into my pc and play it like that through the CD rom drive. It works much better.
Does FCEU have netplay? We should make a list of Emus that do.

I know Kega Fusion, Kawaks, and ZSNES do...
Rayek posted on Jul 15 2006 at 01:59 AM said:
Does FCEU have netplay? We should make a list of Emus that do.

I know Kega Fusion, Kawaks, and ZSNES do...
FCEU has netplay.

EDIT: But its more complicated then regular netplay with IP swapping. You create servers (in linux or cygwin or w/e its called) and then people connect to the server and play games through there. Sorta like the epsxe netplay.
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-Windows XP
-WinKawaks v1.55, Gens, ZSNES, ePSXe
-Garou: MOTW, KOF, Street Fighter II/Alpha 3/III 3rd Strike, any Metal Slug
-Mostly will play at night around 9-12PM, sometimes until 2 or 3AM and other times maybe in the afternoon
-I've AIM so PM me if you want my screen name. Note: I'm usually not on AIM most of the time so send me a PM through here if you wanna play.
I've actually created the foundation for a cheap, effective forum wherein Emulation and Netplay are the main goals. I'm looking for someone interested in doing some logo work and some mods to help me situate stuff. If anyone specifically digs this idea, of a place where people can use Netplay to play SNES, Neo Geo, etc, emulated, then check out the groundwork at Emuconnect.
If you ever want a sundomain of either gptheatre.co.uk or gpjunkies.com so you can host it yourself on there and use whatever forum software you want with no adverts etc.. just give me a shout.