Elite - Greatest Game Of All Time


Still Fresh
Dec 22, 2005
I was just playing around with out OutCast and loaded up a copy of Elite 2, and I was wondering if any of the developers have thought about port a full version to the GP2X.

It would be great to play such a classic game in a handheld. I know that we can play all versions (Elite, Frontier, First Encounter) using OutCast but would it be great to have a depicated version.

The main problem you have with the Atari, Spectrum and C64 versions is that it requires lots of key so maybe a delicated version could map the keys a little better (ie the same as CD32 version).

The game itself is not too large and there are many number of versions atleast one could be ported. Maybe the Archimedes version which was the best of the original elite.

Also there are enough (Legal) copies of the source available for this game available on the web.
Oh yes. It would be sweet. Maybe we should mail David Braben...

I was over the moon when Outcast came out, because it meant that I could play Frontier. I even made a save disk using Steem. Got myself a Krait fighter with a Class 8 hyperdrive and about 1000 tons of cargo space. Gotta love that jettison cheat.

Anyway - there was talk on the Wiki back in November of some game called Elite - The New Kind being made/ported(?) for the GP2X but its long since vanished, I'm afraid.

Maybe we really should mail David Braben...
Elite - A New Kind for the GBA is my favourate version of Elite. It is very faithful to the BBC original version but has slightly better graphics and a control interface similar to that used on the NES version. The NES version is very good, but I doubt it will work on the GP2X yet.
Elite A New Kind was ported AMAZINGLY to the GBA (that and the port of Chaos were the absolute best reasons to own a GBA Flashcart), wonderful port that was. Perhaps the GBA emulator could run it since its not ovely intensive.....
Never really tried any of the console versions, Apart from the CD32 version. I had an Amiga and the time and ws addicted to Frontier. One of my mates had the Amiga CD32 and the control system on that version was really good. It made setting auto pilot a lot easier.
Yes, you're right. It isn't. But Elite II: Frontier is.

Oh, and maybe someone should have a lookee here in the gp32 section of the archives. Someone already started an Elite:New Kind port to GP32 but abandoned it.
Bit of grave digging here, sorry.

The NES version of Elite is very nice and plays on Little John very nicely. As it was configured for a controller initially alot of the probs with keyboard shortcuts are avoided.

Graphics are nice too.

I do agree about a direct port being a nice idea though, the gp32 port was what sold me on the little chap all those moons ago. :)
Guyfawkes posted on Feb 22 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
the source of the gp32 port of elite: newkind is available at http://membres.lycos.fr/kris4leloo/ not sure what state its in as this was released some time ago but might be worth checking out for a gp2x port

It was always missing sounds, although one of my favorite ports. Also the keys needed with elite never fitted right on the GP32.

I'm with WrongEyes on this one the NES is the only version *designed* to use an interface like that of the GP32/GP2X. Now if someone was to slap the interface of the nes into the newkind program. I'd wet myself, although I can't see it happening.

As for David and Ian kissing and making up, I suspect those bridges are still on fire.

Off Topic
Oolite is the best.
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Cyclops posted on Feb 22 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
Guyfawkes posted on Feb 22 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
the source of the gp32 port of elite: newkind is available at http://membres.lycos.fr/kris4leloo/ not sure what state its in as this was released some time ago but might be worth checking out for a gp2x port

It was always missing sounds, although one of my favorite ports. Also the keys needed with elite never fitted right on the GP32.

I'm with WrongEyes on this one the NES is the only version *designed* to use an interface like that of the GP32/GP2X. Now if someone was to slap the interface of the nes into the newkind program. I'd wet myself, although I can't see it happening.

As for David and Ian kissing and making up, I suspect those bridges are still on fire.

Off Topic
Oolite is the best.

It was missing savestates too which are fairly intrinsic to the whole thing IMHO.

Interface idea is nice but as you say unlikely.

As for bridges burning. LOL :lol:
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It would be much nicer to have a full port on the GP2X rather than running various versions through emus. This way you could use the full screen resolution and get better speed and sound. Maybe someday.
WhizzBang posted on Feb 22 2006 at 07:41 PM said:
Well the NES interface was added to the GBA version of A New Kind (or something very similar), so I do not see why it is unlikely.

I'm clearly talking noncence, WOW http://www.geocities.com/quirky_2k1/games/elite/shots.html

other than GTA clone I can't think of anything with any kind of work. GBA homebrew if really hard to find.
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