Wonderful retirement fund for him
...and you wonder why people don't like your acting...
Wonderful retirement fund for him
Wonderful retirement fund for him
don't evenWonderful retirement fund for him
Totally different things - Elite Dangerous already has an online/multiplayer mode, they just drop the "offline" part and hide behind some awful excuse. Some just want to play alone in a virtual universe that only changes if they are actually playing it, which isn't possible anymore.But interesting to see how things have changed, some years ago people were on the fence about a game needing some sort of regular acknowledgement from the server, now they are already giving high praise if this does not happen constantly.This online mode sounds still much more "offline" than the usual "always online" mode of other games. And I guess Elite Dangerous would benefit alot from online/Multiplayer stuff, so I don't see a real problem, as long as the servers keep up. Should be not that heavy server load if they only check online status from time to time like mentioned.