Elements Interactive Releases Gp2x Game Flurkies


The Hallucinogenic Elf
Sep 28, 2005
Sydney, Australia

In this puzzle game the fluffy Flurkies need your assistance. Help the cute and adorable little hairballs finding their way back home. Guide the Flurkies through all the levels by collecting coins, pushing crates, getting colour showers, gliding over ice and having them work together!


  • Exciting new concept, guide the Flurkies to their destination pads
  • Make the Flurkies work together to finish the levels
  • 60 challenging levels with many puzzles
  • Great controls for both touch screen enabled devices and mobile phones
  • Configurable key mappings
  • Cute graphics with nice animations
  • Beat your best moves record for every level
  • Adorable sound effects make the Flurkies come alive
  • Cheery background music
  • Level tips help you on your way
Check out the demo...


Or buy the game for $10 US Dollars.
Elements Interactive releases commercial puzzle game FLURKIES, a unique and exciting puzzle game for the GP2X, Windows Mobile and Symbian.

In this puzzle game the fluffy Flurkies need your assistance. Help the cute and adorable little hairballs finding their way back home. Guide the Flurkies through all the levels by collecting coins, pushing crates, getting colour showers, gliding over ice and having them work together!


- Exciting new concept, guide the Flurkies to their destination pads
- Make the Flurkies work together to finish the levels
- 60 challenging levels with many puzzles
- Great controls for both touch screen enabled devices and mobile phones
- Configurable key mappings
- Cute graphics with nice animations
- Beat your best moves record for every level
- Adorable sound effects make the Flurkies come alive
- Cheery background music
- Level tips help you on your way
Supported platforms and screen resolutions are:
- Windows Mobile Pocket PC (square screen, QVGA, VGA - landscape and portrait)
- Windows Mobile Smartphone (low resolution, QVGA - landscape and portrait)
- Symbian Series 60 up to third edition (low and high resolution, QVGA - landscape and portrait)
- Symbian UIQ up to 3.0
- the GP2X handheld game console
- Windows desktop (windowed and fullscreen)

Taking the separate screen resolutions and dimensions and over-the-air installation files into account, the game is available in no less than 25 different downloadable versions.

The complete game is available for $9.95. Until October 1st the game is distributed exclusively by Clickgamer.com, premium gaming portal for mobile devices. A free demo version of the game, featuring five levels, is available for download at http://www.clickgamer.com/Flurkies.[/cut]
Looks good and fun, and looks like a lot of work has been put into it, downloading the demo version right now to give it a try today.

Thanks for releasing a version for the GP2X - I have a windows mobile 5 device, but I find the GP2X is much better for games, so great to see another commercial release :)
Thanks for letting us know about this game. It's a favourite genre (puzzle platformers) of mine so I'm definitely checking it out.
Nice game B)

Elements Interactive said:

The complete game is available for $9.95. Until October 1st the game is distributed exclusively by Clickgamer.com, premium gaming portal for mobile devices. A free demo version of the game, featuring five levels, is available for download at http://www.clickgamer.com/Flurkies

And after 1st October? Is it possible the game is also distributed at lower price elsewhere ? :P
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Fishbong said:
So, it is a Lemmings clone right? I don´t see how this concept is new, but as long as it´s fun... :)
Nop not like lemmings. you have to put each Flurkie on his color's block.
It's more like a puzzle game.
It's polished and fun. You have to think before you move any Flurkie.
The only thing I'm asking to myself is the durability of it.
I rushed the demo in few minutes. It's 5-6 levels.
If the final game is 60 levels long, with last levels being harder, I imagine finishing it in few hours.
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I've played the demo and relaly enjoyed it, it's quite a nice little game for playing in free time when you want something to puzzle and think over.

One thing I thought I'd comment on though - I had to pick up the controls as I went (they're not hard) but it would be nice if the readme file included a little bit of information on what the game is and how to play it. Perhaps even a help item on the menu or a tutorial - just something to make it easier to pick up for new players and get them into the game.

Also, I agree with the comments above, that 60 levels may be a little short - why not include some sort of level editor, so people could build levels and share them? Not only would this make it more attractive, but also good levels could be added to the game, and it would increase community participation which can only be a good thing. Content being created for you which makes the game more attractive to people and increases the duration and amusement in the game.

On the whole though a good game so far, going to make a purchase when I get home :)

Edit: Purchase Done :)