Eee Pc 900 - Is Greater Then - The Pandora

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Feb 18, 2007
Why? Because it has a backspace key!

No but on a more serous note someone told me how the Pandora's max resolution is 800X460 or something like that, and most games do not support under 800X600. THEREFORE! The Pandora will have problems playing most games, even when trying to emulate them. So I have decided to get a Eee 900 and you might change your mind about Pandora. I only want it for games, like most of us, that it will not be able to run.

EXAMPLES: (Note these games/programs are not proven to run or not run on the Pandora but I doubt they will)

C&C Renegade
Team Fortress Classic
Emulators that do not support under 800X600
Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)
Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)

The ONE thing that would make the Pandora better then a EEE PC 900 is, built in game controls. I don't care though because I hate useing analogue sticks for most games.

[/color]DO NOT FORGET! These things are NOT proven facts just my opinion, you still can decide what to get for yourself.
Don't the eee pc's only have 800X480 resolution also?

Edit: nevermind, you're talking about the new one ;)
Hooka said:
Don't the eee pc's only have 800X480 resolution also?
The 900 does 1280X800

EDIT:Never mind you edited.
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Does the Eee fit in your pocket?

Does the Eee gets 10+ hours battery life?

Does the Eee have custom emulators designed for it?
The games we can play on pandora, must be recompiled, so trying t0 making it run 800x480 wouldn't stop the devs.
Here we go again...

The Pandora ISN'T a clunky low battery life laptop:


It's a tiny handheld.

How you going to play your games on an EEE anyway? It does not have gaming controls.
Viking said:
EXAMPLES: (Note these games/programs are not proven to run or not run on the Pandora but I doubt they will)

C&C Renegade
Team Fortress Classic
Emulators that do not support under 800X600
Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)
Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)
You're kidding, right? C&C Renegade, TF Classic and XP will never run on Pandora not because of the screen resolution, but because of the fact that they are only compiled for x86 processors, require Windows to run, and are all closed source programs. Were the source available, changing the resolution requirements would be trivial.

There are no emulators that I have heard of with 800x600 resolution requirements, but as any emulator will have to be ported anyway, this is a complete non-issue. Firefox will also require porting, and resolution is certainly not a problem in any case. You can resize your browser window to well under 800x480 and the program will not self destruct.

The Pandora's resolution will not be an issue for almost any game that is actually likely to run on it.
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I dont think you can compare 1 for 1, i think they are different products for different uses. The main purpose behind the Pandora is gaming anywhere/anytime. Are you going to haul around your EEE with a gamepad?
It may be small, but its not that small. I think for me it comes down to convenience. The EEE as a gaming solution deosnt sound convenient.

Plus using your logic you should buy a full laptop, it has a higher resolution, plays more games than the EEE and probally costs the same.

Plus the new EEE also costs more and always been larger than Pandora.

EDIT: i thought how great it would be to post craigix picture, glad he put it up. That picture says it all.
Don't forget that the Eee PC 900 will cost significantly more than the Pandora as well.
Viking said:
Why? Because it has a backspace key!

No but on a more serous note someone told me how the Pandora's max resolution is 800X460 or something like that, and most games do not support under 800X600. THEREFORE! The Pandora will have problems playing most games, even when trying to emulate them. So I have decided to get a Eee 900 and you might change your mind about Pandora. I only want it for games, like most of us, that it will not be able to run.

EXAMPLES: (Note these games/programs are not proven to run or not run on the Pandora but I doubt they will)

C&C Renegade
Team Fortress Classic
Emulators that do not support under 800X600
Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)
Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)

The ONE thing that would make the Pandora better then a EEE PC 900 is, built in game controls. I don't care though because I hate useing analogue sticks for most games.

[/color]DO NOT FORGET! These things are NOT proven facts just my opinion, you still can decide what to get for yourself.
Firefox won't work? OK! We'll soon have the MK1 units ready and we'll see the facts. We've got the forecast saying it's going to rain tomorrow, but here comes the windows-lover saying rain is impossible on this planet at all. You've got your BSOD-free windows, so that it would be quite comfortable for you to wait until tomorrow and see for yourself (in case you don’t want to read the faq or a wiki page).
Sorry, that’s just my bad mood...
And sorry, I couldn't stand.. Which games do you think would cause screen resolution problems? Do you mean crysis or doom3? :D
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Look dude, its cool that u are getting a eeePC, the reason this thread isnt closed is because u are just bringing to everone's attention of its existance; in contrast to the Pandora (which is still more suitable for original games that will run better, and OPTIMIZED ports) which makes this thread valid. You should not word your post like that to start a flame war.
Viking said:
C&C Renegade
Team Fortress Classic
Emulators that do not support under 800X600
The emus I might buy. But I would like to point out that the odds of you getting that GMA that will most assuredly be on that eeePC to run Team Fortress will be...entertaining... Unless they change to an X3100, you're not going to have muscle enough to do much with it except DirectX 7, maybe 8 titles with it. If that's all you're looking for, more power to you. Just don't delude yourself on all of what you might think you can do with it because it's running XP.

Just because it's X86 and can run Windows, it does not lead to being able to actually GAME with it. ;)


Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)

Have fun with XP. Be aware that there won't be any further updates to it come next year and the title choices that will work, while limited, isn't in the same class as what's coming for the Pandora. Completely different. Not to mention, I can't see why you "hate Linux"- you strike me as someone that hasn't used it all that often with some of the remarks you're making. But, hey, you like XP- no prob. It just means I won't have to scuffle with you over the dev unit I plan on buying here in a bit... ;)


Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)

Heh. Wanna bet that model 900 you're so fond of talking about?

I know that the rendering engine behind it definitely runs at that resolution- it already does on the N800/N810 in OS2008. I know that it runs in 640x480 and has done so for a while now (I used to do settop box distributions for vendors like ECS...).


The ONE thing that would make the Pandora better then a EEE PC 900 is, built in game controls. I don't care though because I hate useing analogue sticks for most games.

Aaand it has more than analog controls... Not a good remark really.

As you say, your opinions. Thanks for sharing them, I know I don't agree with them in the slightest.
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Viking said:
C&C Renegade
Team Fortress Classic

You mean you wanna play some FPS on eeePC? Or only brag?
Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)

Neither did I (3 years and counting). But for me it's only a gaming OS to run games that don't run on Linux. And I find the PS3 GameOS better at that than XP :P Plus my Linux supports out of the box more devices than XP.
Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)


But as you wrote it's your choice and that's so nice to you to let us choose differently :)

I forgot to say, I'm gonna buy a PC, with 4 GB, quad core, a Raport HD and a 8800 GTS. It will run circles around the Pandora. And it will even be compatible with XP!

The only drawback is that my 24" screen is slightly too large for my pocket. Should I reconsider buying that PC? :(
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Viking said:
Windows XP (sorry I hate Linux, never event had a BSOD on my current computer 1.5 years and counting)
What about XP? It's not as if it's sole purpose is UMPC.

Viking said:
Firefox (I bet it wont run at that resolution)
I can prove that FF will run at that resolution. I have an Eee PC (4Gb version), you see.

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teh_programerer said:
I can prove that FF will run at that resolution. I have an Eee PC (4Gb version), you see.
Now why did you HAVE to do that? I was going to bilk the boy out of his eeePC- I've been wanting one for a bit now, but have been holding off for the release of the Pandora dev units and getting stuff done on them before getting one. ;)
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Eee PC have:
big base of PC games...
System Shock 1-2
Quake 1-3 (with mods)
Unreal tounament + original Unreal (including mods)
Half-Life (with mods)
Diablo 1-2
Zdoom... even Zdaemon(cool doom for internet)

great base of existing emulators(including DosBox, PSX and N64)
great base of USB device support

Pandora have:
nothing, it just played some video and showed some pictures (that is possible that all videos is a fake)
no gui was demonstraded - that means no stable visual shell yet
bunch of fanboys (mostly "fagboys")

So pandora will eat dust of market boots, and Craigx will be torn apart by angry crowd
quasist said:
bunch of fanboys (mostly "fagboys")

Viking and quasist have consistently proven to be moronic trolls in the Pandora section... we get it, you don't want to buy one!

But I have an even better system for you to buy than an EEEPC -- it can do *everything* that the EEE can do, but it can also run in much higher resolutions and play games like Team Fortress *2*, Command & Conquer *3*, Half Life *2*, run Windows *Vista*, emulate *Dreamcast* and much more!

Sounds awesome, right? It's called... a more powerful laptop. And it has the same relative dimensions as the EEE has in relation to the Pandora, so according to your logic it is directly comparable.

Now if your goal is to play all these great games and Microsoft OSes, why the hell would you get an EEE900 over a proper laptop? Of course, I know what the answer is -- I just want to follow their logic...
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quasist said:
Pandora have:
nothing, it just played some video and showed some pictures (that is possible that all videos is a fake)
no gui was demonstraded - that means no stable visual shell yet
bunch of fanboys (mostly "fagboys")

So pandora will eat dust of market boots, and Craigx will be torn apart by angry crowd
How exactly did a retard like you create a video game? I'm surprised you can even boot up your computer.
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