Release ECWolf


Dec 12, 2013
After recently playing through the 2009 reboot of Wolfenstein, I felt like taking a look back at the storied history of the franchise, at what is often called the "grandfather of fps's":  Wolfenstein 3D.  After some searching, however, I found that support for that game on the Pandora was lacking.  The choices available were either A> play it via dosbox or some other emulation or B> play it with a port of the no-longer-actively-developed Wolf4SDL engine.  Due to a misunderstanding, I assumed the wolf4sdl port didn't work, so rather than actually bother to try it out I ported an entirely different engine to our favorite handheld.  Thus was this PND born.

Also give Pickle's Wolf4SDL port a try, don't make an @ss of yourself like I did:,0,0,0,30,51
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Is there any Wolfenstein port that has an automap hacked in? That's what I'm missing most (apart from circlestrafing).
NewWolf ( has an automap, but it is apparently opengl based, so I'll leave its porting to someone with more experience with opengl on the pandora.  ECWolf is supposed to be getting an automap in v1.3, so that's something to look forward to.  And ECWolf currently has circlestrafing too.

what isnt working with Wolf4SDL?
Not sure works well for me too.
I never actually tried it.  I saw this post (]) that said something about extracting the binary from the .pnd and running it manually and said "f*ck that, that's too much work."  So I ported a whole new engine instead.  Much easier.
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I never actually tried it.  I saw this post (]) that said something about extracting the binary from the .pnd and running it manually and said "f*ck that, that's too much work."  So I ported a whole new engine instead.  Much easier.
Well thats disappointing as that thread has a couple other people saying it does work, and your assertion B is totally incorrect. I do support it and will help to solve any issues it has.

Id like if you edit your post since it might give others the wrong impression. The only thing that may be true is that the original author of wolf3sdl has not been actively developing it, but on the other hand the fork is pretty well complete.

Im fine with other ports especially if they have different features than a port i worked on.
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I never actually tried it.  I saw this post (]) that said something about extracting the binary from the .pnd and running it manually and said "f*ck that, that's too much work."  So I ported a whole new engine instead.  Much easier.
Well thats disappointing as that thread has a couple other people saying it does work, and your assertion B is totally incorrect. I do support it and will help to solve any issues it has.

Id like if you edit your post since it might give others the wrong impression. The only thing that may be true is that the original author of wolf3sdl has not been actively developing it, but on the other hand the fork is pretty well complete.

Im fine with other ports especially if they have different features than a port i worked on.
I guess there's a lesson to be learned here about assuming and what it makes of oneself and others.  Fixed.
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Is there any Wolfenstein port that has an automap hacked in? That's what I'm missing most (apart from circlestrafing).
NewWolf ( has an automap, but it is apparently opengl based, so I'll leave its porting to someone with more experience with opengl on the pandora.  ECWolf is supposed to be getting an automap in v1.3, so that's something to look forward to.  And ECWolf currently has circlestrafing too.
Thanks. Great news that ECWolf allows circlestrafing. Not that it's really necessary for Wolfenstein, but I'm so used to navigating 3D-spaces with it that it feels jarring without.
Thanks for the port!

what isnt working with Wolf4SDL?
You should put it on the repo, I had no idea you ported Wolf4SDL to Pandora (big fan of your GP2X version back in the day :) ).
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Thanks for the port!

what isnt working with Wolf4SDL?
You should put it on the repo, I had no idea you ported Wolf4SDL to Pandora (big fan of your GP2X version back in the day :) ).
indeed i noticed that yesterday, i thought it was on the repo. But i also know i have a few things i didnt bring over. I was going to update it a bit and upload it.

@ Ultra_Jon: Thanks for this new port :) I find it rather slow though, and sound stutters sometimes...

@ Pickle: is your wolf4sdl port compatible with the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D ? If yes, could you please tell me how to set it up for *.WL1 files ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ Pickle: is your wolf4sdl port compatible with the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D ? If yes, could you please tell me how to set it up for *.WL1 files ?
The pnd/binary is not. A shareware version could be supported but wolf4sdl would have to be recompiled.

The other problem is the data names are the same. So it would require a different pnd. Maybe that could be done and it could already contain the data.
i like the default keybinds, im going to use them now as well for other FPS :) nice work and thanks
I checked Blzut3's page this morning and found that he released a new version a few days ago.  Likewise, I've updated the .pnd with the new version.  Major features include the addition of an automap and support for Super Noah's Ark 3D.  Get at it at the repo.

@ Ultra_Jon: Thanks for this new port :) I find it rather slow though, and sound stutters sometimes...
I looked into this a little while back, just to let you know.  I'm guessing you've got a 600Mhz unit?  It's pretty smooth for me on my 1Ghz.  Either way I tried it clocked at 600Mhz and it was indeed a bit sluggish.  In the brief time I spent testing this release it seemed like it might have slowed down a bit more, but that may have been a hallucination.  I was going to try to use some Notaz SDL magic to get it to work faster (possibly at an acceptably slight cost to resolution), but I couldn't get it to go the way I wanted, so I didn't manage to get that feature into this release.  Maybe in the future though.
Nice, thanks a lot for the update. The Map is really super-useful.

I have a 1GHz Pandora (running at 1100MHz) and noticed the music/sound stuttering as well, especially in the menus. Maybe it's a vsync issue or something like that?
I just tried it, I like the additional features ECWolf offers (the map is just great). I also noticed the music stuttering in menu (1 GHz unit running stock speed), but in-game seems mostly fine.

I didn't like the default controls though, I changed it to shoulder-buttons for "strafe L/R", (Y) for "use" and (X) for "fire". (Not saying it should be changed, that's why there are options, just giving mine).

Maybe I'll finally play through this game, I always gave up at some point ...
... actually the config is not saved. I have to set the keys again each time I start the game. There is a .cfg file in .../appdata/ecwolf/home/ecwolf/ ... not sure if it isn't used or if it is overwritten when the .PND is started?
Well, with ECWolf being so slow on my CC Pandora at 850MHz (!!! Who'd have thought that Wolfenstein would be slow on an 850mhz cpu, eh?) I tried Pickle's port.

No go, I'm afraid - First, I tried the download from the OpenHandhelds archive -,0,0,0,30,51

All I get when I run it is a blank pickle launcher. I added the Wolfenstein files (from a known working DOS archive) to the folder /media/SD1/pandora/appdata/wolf4sdl/ and all I get is a list of files in the launcher, and the "Launch" button doesn't do anything.

TrashyMG was kind enough to provide separate Wolf and SOD PNDs, which are much smaller than the openhandhelds download. Running those, however, I get no errors - but no game either. They don't even create the appdata folders. I manually created /media/SD1/pandora/appdata/wolf4sdl_w16.pickle and dumped the files in there - still no go. The .out file states that no Wolf3D files are found.

Anyone got any tips?

I think I see why, your directory should be wolf4sdl_wl6.pickle not wolf4sdl_w16.pickle

A lower case L not 1

I'm also not sure where I got those PNDs, not on the handhelds site nor the repo.. maybe an older version, but works great for me.
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